Chapter 4: Turquoise

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Sometimes one wonders how it can get messy in an instant. Well, Mackenzie had the answer. A daydream with a hazy reminder of a girl with soft blue hair.
"Hey, Mackenzie?... " said someone near him.
"Mmmmm" he turned towards the noise, regretting it once he turned around. It was Rusty. As much as he liked the guy... Sometimes his talking was a bit extreme.
"Is...this what you called the rest" he pointed on the paper.
"Yeah, that's the one. But remember that one is 2 counts and the other 4 counts"
"Ahhhh!!, makes sense" he wrote "thanks Mackenzie"
"Sure, no problem"
It went like that for a couple minutes. Questions asked... Responses given... Back and forth. Until it was time to practice it. Of course, it went by section in which regarded in a part of the music sheet. He went off in his own dream. He honestly couldn't help it. Specially since she was a couple of seats in the front for what she choose to play. Sometimes, it was the way she helped that it made him feel like he was floating. Other time was the way she smiled and her blue eyes glowed along with it. Hopeless... He was hopelessly head over heals for this upbeat girl. Who wouldn't be in all honesty. There were rumors going around that there were boys who were waiting on the right time to just ask her out once.
Blue eyes
Blue hair
Soft short curls
Freckled face
" Mackenzie??? "
'Now what?' He thought ' I already helped with  what you needed'
Thankfully, he didn't open his mouth in time. Because once he turned around that blueberry fairy was right in front of him.
"Quick question. Is this part from that section you guys play with us or?"
"Blu-blu, I think we figured it out now! '
" oh, looks like we figured it out... Ummm... " she fidgeted.
Her fidgeting was making him nervous but anxious at the same time.
"Hey... Uhhh... " she started.
His heart picked up the pace. His hands began sweating. His imagination went wild with thought that maybe just maybe...and he instinctively got up from his seat. Making both of them jump back from the sudden movement
"Oopphh. Ummm... Look, I'm not sure if I should be the one asking anyways... But... Uhh-" she started.
" let's see a movie as a group later this week?" Said Lucky, interrupting his thought and Bluey's question and eyeing  Mackenzie quizzically.
"Yeah... That. It's just lately you've been kind of distant with me. So I thought, maybe I did something wrong and I just didn't want to make you even more uncon-"
" NO! " he cleared his throat after realizing it was  strong no and calming a bit. " Of course not, it nothing like that at all... ' he waved his hands around. " I just been... Sort of just.... Chilling?? a bit to much "
"So it has nothing do with me then?."
When he looked at her, those eyes we're shining, waiting for an answer that he was okay with her being around him.
"It r-really has nothing to do with you at all"
"THANK GOD!, I really missed our fun days Mackie!!! " she smiled brightly giving him, what he mentally called her cutest happy face.
Mackie... She just called him the nickname that he hated to hear from others.
With Bluey saying that nickname... It was like a tornado had hit his stomach and had made the butterflies in there go wild.
"Ahh, yeah. Coming!" She turned back towards him. Then grabbed his hand and high-fived it with hers. Leaving a speechless and flustered Mackenzie behind her.
"Hey, 'Mackie' said Lucky teasingly.
Mackenzie snapped and turned faster than lighting struck.
"Call me that again... And I'll snap you in half" Mackenzie glared.
Lucky had never seen or heard Mackenzie snapped like that before.
"Oh jeez, sorry. Look, I just wanted to know if you're okay, " he huffed and made a mental note not to call him like that ever again only if Bluey was around. "You sort of frozed... Or did I... "
" YOU SAW NOTHING OR HEARD ANYTHING!. Now leave me be and get practicing. "
It was quite a peaceful practice class, only with the couple of exchanges between students and conversations between friends. Left each to their own music and instructions.
That's is until Jack yelped.
"What going on over there?" The music teacher, Mrs. Coda said.
Then came the incident.
Since it was a quite big room, it also needed space for the instruments to fit around. One side had an accessible ramp for usage while steps were on the other side.
We also had Jack Russell, a clumsy fellow who manages to trip even with just slightly moving forward.
Those two things together...
pretty much emphasizes the point.
Turns out, an insect had gotten into the classroom. At first, to Jack it seemed harmless and utterly useless. He was playing around with it while the rest looked around and joined in. Suddenly, it made a noise... And began to fly.
It nearly took the entire hour, some classmates running around screaming and Bluey eventually finding  a jar and some sort of lid to capture the bug and let it out.
That's how the first day of classes ended. Thankfully Jack didn't actually break anything and fortunately it didn't cause more damage either. As they were, heading out, Bluey stayed behind. Helping Mrs. Coda fix up a little more of the mess along with Jack, Indy, and Rusty. Mackenzie on the other hand headed out with Lucky and the triplets Terriers. However, he mustered up the courage to say goodbye to Bluey and her waving back at him with a genuine gentle smile.

At home, it was the same usual deal. He got home and locked himself in the room he shared with Max. It was peaceful and quiet till sudden steps up the stairs can be heard.
"Ah yeah... Sorry. I actually had a question to ask you? "
"A question?"
"Yeah, uh... What... No, wait. How can... No... Actually yes. How can I approach a girl? "
"Approach a girl? Why... What do you mean? "
"Talk... Communication... I don't know. Get to know her?"
"What the... Just talk.... Only approach 8 think works? " Mackenzie stopped then turned back around to face his brother. "Can you tell me why the question? " he said, suspicion already at its peak.
"Well... I might... No... Actually... " Max stopped mid-sentece. "Well... "
"Max... Spit it out. "
"I really like this girl in class" he blurted half shy and angry.
"Oh,... Huh. "
"That's it? I thought you be yelling at me about it"
"Why would I yell to you about it?"
"Don't you think it's kind of weird? Or like I don't know...awkward? "
"Max, I don't think it's weird or awkward... No, actually it is weird and awkward, but you can't do anything about it. Besides, if you like someone there's no going back"
"No going back? "
"Yeah, no going back"
"So I guess, you really like Bluey then... A whole lot."
"Yea-, Hey!, no I don't! "
"So, the last time she came over with Lucky and Chloe... And you were a mess... That's not it? " he moved his head to the side. " because even uncle Spot made a comment about it. Actually, that's why I asked you. It is pretty obvious that you like her... Or the other one... "
Kidding me...
Mackenzie was surrounded with the knowledge his brother had. Was it obvious when he was near her? Is that why Chloe looked at him weirdly last time they came over and sat between them? Is that why Lucky jumps in to interrupt them?
Max looked at him. "Mackie? "
"Hmmm... " Mackenzie not hearing the nickname turned around. His head spinning with all this.
" Max, don't. I thought I was being discreet about it. Just tell me... Was it that obvious? "
"Uh, yeah sort of. Uncle Spot was telling me about it and I sort of got the idea too."
"Maaax, not that nickname. "
"Okay, okay."
"Does it feel weird when you like that person? Like a battle of butterflies in your tummy? "
Mackenzie turned towards his little brother. Its funny to realize that his brother was just only 7 and realizing what 'liking' someone meant. He thought about it for a while.
"Yeah, that. A whole bunch of butterflies that make you happy they are there."

Eventually their parents came home and they had a family dinner. Both Max and Mackenzie with their love problem hidden between the meals.

That's how the first day back ended.

Hey guys!!!!

I'm reaaaaallly sorry for this chapters update! I thought I had everything in control but it got out of hand with sudden additions to my life lol. Anyways, I will try my best to update as I did before... Im aiming for three chapters this week to make up from the previous week. However, it may or may not be possible. Although, Im glad with the outcome and structure this story is going with. Please, have patience with me as well.

Thank you
💝,  kitkats

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