Chapter 1

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~I'm a new one here, I don't feel like publishing the stories I write for fun, but I'd wanted to share something that I have hidden for so long~

How it all started.

"I've finally seen you smile again" I whispered.
Seeing this crescent moon makes me remember you. OUR PAST. I see your eyes smiling at me, the same way this moon looks at me. I've been longing to have you in my arms, wanting to feel your warmth against my skin. You have once descended in my world, I still have faith for it to happen again.

Sam pov:

I bumped into this girl, I've never known her but her smile softens me, it gives me shivers in my spine, my knees are weak, my cheeks are burning, my heart is melting "Oh my! What's happening to me, she's just another ordinary girl passing by, but why do I feel this tingling sensation? I feel numb" My inner voice talking to my stupid heart. I fall in love easily, I always thought I'd be more careful since this has been my weakest point. "She is beautiful, those rosy cheeks, plump lips, eye's that smile with her lips, defined jaw, high nose and hourglass body shape. She's got everything".

"I'm sorry" she said while bowing her head. That soft voice made me come back to my senses again. "Oh it's fine, I'm really sorry too" She smiled at me showing off her eye smile. We exchanged our last smile before we bid our goodbyes.
Being able to get out of school and have my me time is the best. Having these thoughts, I still could not stop thinking about the woman earlier. I saw this moon necklace she's wearing. It seems like we have the same one. But mine was very old. I don't really know if I would be able to find a necklace like this in shops nowadays.

Luna pov:
My grandmother once told me the moon will never shine as bright if the stars are not by its side. It made me wonder what does it ever mean?
When I was 3 my mom and dad got into an accident and unfortunately they didn't survived.
Living with my grandmother is the best, all of these greek love stories and her love stories before my grandpa came into her life.

I can't forget about this man I bumped with earlier. I feel numb when I saw him

Getting drowned in these thoughts, I suddenly heard the gate open, and I expected only one person, my GRANDMA.

"Nana you're here!!!" I jumped down the stairs and welcomed her with a tight hug.
"Oh dear you're getting more glowing these days, is it because of a man?"
"No nana, it's just that I'm very happy you're here" showing her my best smile "now can you tell me your love story nana?" I look at her using my best puppy eyes.

"Oh you really did remember my promise. Oh fine come here" I lay my head on the top of her lap.
"Did you know that nana loved only one man?"
"Is it grandpa nana?" I looked at her.
"No." Just two words shocked me!
"What do you mean nana?"
"Before grandpa came to my life I have my star"
"What do you mean star nana? There's a lot of them." my grandma smiled at me.
"Oh no dear even if there's million of them in the sky, There's always one of them that shines as bright as the moon"
My grandma then proceeded and told me her story

While walking on the streets, I bumped into this gentleman.

"Oh I'm sorry" I chuckled.
"I'm really sorry i didn't focused on the road" he smiled at me
Those jaw, lips, eyes, and nose!
"I'm really sorry, miss..?" He looked at me with a questioning face.
"Oh i'm selene, just call me selene" I said avoiding eye contact.

"Oh I'm really sorry selene"
"And you are?" I asked.
"Oh i'm Apollo, nice to meet you" He smiled showing his dimples.
"Oh okay I'm really sorry. I'll go ahead" I smiled before I left him.

"So nana is he the man you fell in love with?" I looked at her with a smiling face.
"YES, it may sound too crazy but it's him" She looked at me with those eyes of an inlove teenager.
"Your STAR?" I smiled "yes dear it's him, My star" she looked at the window "But nana why star?" I'm very interested in my grandma's love story because I haven't got one yet.
I arrived at our school earlier than I expected. It's the opening of classes and I don't really expect anyone I know. Sitting in my assigned chair, I tried to study these young boy's looks. But suddenly a man appeared in front of me. It's him.

"Oh hi!" he smiled at me "hi" I answered nonchalantly "I never knew we go to the same class" he looked at me surprised "yeah me too" I fought the urge to look at him, knowing that it would only give me butterflies.
He sat beside me, I'm shocked, "why did he sit beside me, he's not my seat mate right?!" I asked myself quietly. I can't move.
"Any problem?" He looked at me with those beautiful round eyes. Oh no no no. I'm in big trouble if I look at him nooo. Seeing him at my peripheral view already softens my knees, what else if I look at him, I won't be able to stand then.
"Young love nana?" I chuckled at her "Yes dear, at first I thought it's just puppy love" my grandmother's happiness that I could not contain.
"Nana, did he love you too?" I asked
She just smiled at me.
I have my ways to ignore him, but I just could not. I have done this with many men before, but why can't I do this to him?

Soon a puppy love turned into a deeper one.
He admitted everything to me, all I can do is to fall even more for this man.

"Selene I may sound desperate but it's true, the first time I crashed into you, I fell in love with you." He looks at me with those sincere eyes.
"You never know how many times you made me feel numb" I answered and chuckled at the same time.
He smiled at me."So... Would you accept me as your prom date miss?" he asked with a smirk.
My lips soon turned into a curve, a big one "Yes mister" we just laughed.
"Wow nana how I wish I will have the same love story like you" I said excitedly.
Soon Nana's smile turns into a sad one. "Nana, is there any problem?"
"Nothing dear, let me finish my story before you admire it okay?" I'm confused "Why nana?"
She smiled "Dear, stories may start off with beauty but it doesn't matter, what matter the most is the end" I looked at her with apologizing eyes. "Okay nana"
The prom night has begun. He gave me a half moon pendant. It looks like something is missing.
"Oh thank you!" I gave my best of the best smile. "But uhm this looks lonely, do you have the other half?" He looked at me "It's just like that, it doesn't have anything with it when I bought it. Why don't you like it?"
" Oh no no, I like thank you"

"Nana, is that pendant the one that I'm wearing right now?" she smiled at me the most sincere one "yes dear it's the one I gave you"
"But nana, this is special for you, why would you give this to me?" My tone is A little bit disappointed.
"You will know when the time comes, you will soon appreciate it more than me" she said.
"Okay nana".

Sam pov:
I'm now at the cafe, I will be meeting my grandpa. He just landed here from the U.S. I thought it would be nice to meet him after 5 years.

"Oh over here, gramps!" I shouted with delight at him.
He laughed at my antics "Why would you call me that?" he said while walking towards me.
"Why gramps, don't you like it?" Showing my pout.
"Oh you're still a little boy, come here!"
I hugged him tight.
"Welcome back, gramps" I chuckled.
We sat on the table and ordered our food.
"So kiddo, why would you want to meet gramps?" He asked me
"Gramps, have you ever fallen in love before?" I asked.
"Yes of course, all of us fall in love." he smiled at me.
"Is grandma your first love?" I asked in a low voice.
"I would be lying if I say yes."
"Then who is it gramps?" I lower my head.
"It's someone I knew from college school. I was a teenager back then."
"Gramps, what did you feel when you saw her?"
"I actually fall for her the first time we've ever met" my grandpa answered.
I never knew we're the same, that's what happened to me when I met that girl.
"Gramps, would you tell me the story?" He smiled at me and started talking about it.
I was walking peacefully, when suddenly I bumped into this lady, sure she's beautiful. Those jaw, lips, eyes, and nose! I'm in love. We just exchanged names and bid goodbye. The first time I heard her name, it made me wonder if she is a real goddess.

I entered the classroom but one girl got my attention. She's here. I walk towards her direction and act cool. I sat beside her, but she looked uneasy. I tried to avoid any misunderstanding cause it looks like she's going to bite me soon.

I confessed my feelings for her the day before our prom, and I was shocked, I never expected that the feeling is mutual.

Before I finally went home I saw this shop that sells necklaces. I think it would be good if I gave this as a present for her. Remembering her name it means goddess of the moon. I got this couple moon pendant. I will have the other one while she has the other one.

I found the perfect timing to give it to her. She looks happy but at the same time sad. I never said a word but then she said "But uhm this looks lonely, do you have the other half?" I panicked a little bit there since I wouldn't want her to know it's a couple necklace. I acted cool and answered it coolly.

I always have the other half in my pocket. I treasured it. It has something special about it that I could not let go.
"Is that pendant the one you gave me gramps?" I asked
He smiled and nodded.
"Gramps, yesterday I bumped into this girl. She has the same one like mine, I thought this was very old and very hard to find but she has it." I said
My grandpa's smile got bigger when I told him this. It made me curious, why?
"Gramps, I thought you gave the other one to your first love, but why does she have it?" i pouted
"Is it love at first sight like gramps?" My grandpa asked out of the blue.
"Uhhh..... Well she's beautiful"
"Besides, how would I know if I'm in love?" I asked to change the topic
"If you feel something you've never felt before."
He was right, I never got to feel that way before.
"Kiddo, were your knees weak when you saw her?" he smirked (it seems like my changing topic didn't work)
"Y-yes...." I lowered my head because of embarrassment.
"Then you're in love" am I really?
"I just adore her"
"It's the same kiddo, shall I continue?" I nodded in response
We both finished college. We promised to have each other until our last breath.

"Apollo, do you really love me?" she asked me with those cute sad eyes.
"I do, ever since the first time I met you, i do" I smiled.
"Do you think we can do this?"
" I can as long as I have you by my side, never leave me"

Those are the words that will always be written in my heart like a pen, unable to be erased.

It was her 25 birthday. That's when I celebrated mine too.

I asked her officially. She said yes. Without her parents consent she said yes!

"Would you want to spend a lifetime with me?"
"Happy birthday to me!" I said
She laughed "why its my birthday"
"I know, but I felt reborn, There's two special days in our lives, One is that day you are born and the day you found out why you are born"
I'm lucky to be able to meet you in this lifetime my love.
Luna pov:
"But nana, why did you say yes to him without your parents knowing it?" I said sadly.
"Because I know everything will shatter into pieces my dear." my grandma said with beaming sadness in her face.
"What do you mean nana?"
My parents want me to marry a man who lives a life having a wealthy family. My father always wanted me to have an easy life, and he thought the answer was money. He arranged a marriage for me and his colleague's son, his name is David.

"Oh nana is that grandpa?" my grandma nodded.

He sure is handsome but I don't feel anything for him, I just wanted to be friends with him, but it's not the case for him. He likes me, he wants me and in my fathers eyes he's a good man for me.

My father forced me to marry him. I can't do anything but obey my father's wants.
It breaks my heart. But it seems like destiny doesn't approve of us.

I called him.
"Apollo, can I meet you tonight?" I said with a shaking voice.
"Is there any problem?" he asked with a concerned tone of voice.
"I just want to see you tonight" I smiled sadly.

I waited for him patiently.

"Selene, why would you want to meet me?" he asked with desperate eyes.
"I love you" with those three words, tears are now brimming endlessly from my eyes.
"Shhh. what's wrong?" He comforted me.
I felt bad because I couldn't do anything.
"I will be marrying another man soon." my tears flow like endless rain water.

"I know" he looks at me, a tear escaped hiseyes.
"How did you know?" i asked
"David told me"
"But how did you know him?" I asked
"I work for them" and now I can't stop but sob louder and tears are larger.
"When I realize that he could give you everything you want, I'm ready to letyou go"
"I have nothing compared to what he have, I want you to be happy my love"
"Destiny doesn't work for us, I'm sorry" Tears are now flowing in his eyes.
I hugged him tightly, it's like my life depends on his arms. I'm weak. For allof his sacrifices for me, I felt a knife stabbed into my heart when I could notdo the same for him.
"Apollo I'm sorry, I'm really sorry" I continued to cry.
"I love you too" his smile hurts me.
He's willing to let me go to be happy, But I only learned it when he came intomy life. I wanted to be selfish and run away from this pain with him, but I'mafraid, I'm a coward!!! I hate myself!
I looked at him.
He began to speak
"Remember the necklace I gave you?" I nod
"Do you know why I bought it?" he asked me, trying hard to hold his tears.
"It's a couple necklace" he showed me the other one.
All this time I thought it was only one but he has the other one.
"The seller told me if I gave the other one to the woman I love, our love willcome true" I felt a lump on my throat hearing it.
"But he also told me, it may happen in a different lifetime."
"Promise me you will take care of it." I nodded
"I remembered when we both dreamed of having our grandchildren" he smiled atme.
I see he can no longer hold his tears.
"We may not be together But I want you to pass this to one of them. I will doit too. If it won't work for us, let's pray it's for them. It might be them.
"I promise" I said in a whisper.
"Now go, be happy" he smiled
"How can you smile? I hate myself for not being able to do the same, whyyy doyou love me this much!" I screamed but I still can't handle my tears.

"Let's meet at a different time." He whispered.
I ran away but something is holding me back. I looked at him one last timebefore I disappeared in his sight.
"Nana please stop crying" I said tears are also flowing from my eyes.
"I'd never want you to live a life like me dear, be with the man you trulylove."
She said and hugged me.

"Gramps, you're so strong" I smiled at him
A tear dropped from his eyes.
"Gramps don't cry now okay."
"You will surely meet her some other time."

~Uh I don't know if I should continue publishing, since I already have the 2nd and 3rd chapter. I don't know if I could reach 20 chapters, since 1 chapter contains 1000 to 2000+ words.~

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