Chapter 17: I'll chase this dance

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A week has passed since we had a meeting in the Student Council Room, and there, the school festival committee was established. Today, Jenna announced that we will have our first meeting about the upcoming school festival three weeks from now, which will be held in the school's conference room, and yes, they forced me to join the committee. I thought to myself that this will be my first time attending the school festival, so I might as well help with the preparation, but joining the committee is a different story, I can't do anything though, Johann already dragged me in.

Roy approached me with a big smile on his face, it looks like he has some good news in his bag early this morning, it's currently our first period but our teacher's still not around.

"Take a look at this!" Roy proudly showed me a game, and as I looked closer, it was the newly-released sequel of our favorite horror game. I was amazed and felt envy, how did he buy it before me?

"It's the sequel of that horror game! How did you get it this early? I mean, it's quite expensive." I asked him skeptically.

"Hmm, let's say one of my good friends helped me with it."

"Hey, why did you emphasized that good friend of yours? Is he a better gamer than me?" I asked him with a straight face, though Roy already knew that I'm just messing with him.

"No, he's way wealthier than you."

"So it was Lucho?"

Roy looked clueless and shocked, he thought he could hide it from me, he's a dumb guy after all.

"H-How did you find out? I was gonna surprise you!"

"He's the richest among us, and Tracie wouldn't buy you that game since she's busy with the Student Council. Anyway, I'm more interested in how did you manage to make him buy that game for you? Did you blackmail him or something?"

"I'm not bullying him if that's what you implying, how can I bully a huge guy like Lucho? And he didn't totally buy it, it's more of a 50/50 deal."


"Okay, it's 60/40. I persuaded him to bought it because he's a huge fan of that game, too! And he let me keep it! We'll play it later in my place, want to come over?"

"I'd love to! But unfortunately, I'm a member of the school festival committee, and we have a meeting later after school so I can't. I was forced to by the way."

Roy looked so disappointed as he put away the game, he's looking all gloomy, but not long after that, his mood changed in an instant, gave me a smirk, and teased me.

"Oh? Is that so? Too bad because I'm looking forward to playing the sequel of our favorite game with my best bud. Oh well, Lucho will do, and besides, he bought this game with me. You just enjoy your time as a committee member, okay?" Why is this guy not a member of the committee? If that's the case, then I'll drag you to hell with me.

"Yeah, you too, enjoy your precious gaming time with Lucho." I gave Roy a malicious grin, I thought he will catch a glimpse of what's going to happen with his gaming time, but he's just too dense to sense it, he just walked away without any suspicion.

Our last period ended, and all of my classmates quickly fixed their things and freshen up before going home. Jenna, after putting some powder on her face, headed straight to my seat and invites me to go to the conference room with her.

"H-Hey Lark, wanna go together in the conference room?" Jenna's fidgeting while waiting for my answer.

"S-Sure. Let's go?"

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