Its just the flu.. (1)

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Bim had been sick for a while, often he'd walk it off. He wasn't the one to be bedridden for almost a week.

Bim finally managed to make it to the kitchen, yet nothing looked appealing. As if all of his senses have gone against him. His stomach still churning but he could say it was getting better. His hungry was certainly coming back.

Then there was a knock on the door. He barely expected guest at his apartment. Besides Sliver, but that was because the two lived together.

The show host opened the door. He'd be damn to see it was Ed Edgar. The two were close, after Dark dissapeared all the egos just left. Though some of them still kept in contact.

"What are you doing here?" Bim said, trying to keep his voice straight, but yet it still wavered a bit. Ed hummed, and then said, "I'm talking ya ass to the doctors," he stated, the just kind of stared at each other.

Bim then waved it off, he was sick, maybe just the flu he told himself. Ed was insistent, Silver also agreed, only booting him once the two started arguing. He sighed and Bim made an appointment.

Ed had a big smirk on his face. Bim wanted to rub it off.

"Its just the flu, he's acting as if I'm dying." He whined, Silver laughed, Bim turned to him. With the annoyed face being replaced with a new one. Bim crept over to Silver. It was rare to see him without his costume.

The two held each other. Back when they used to work for Dark they rarely interacted. Bim was more carefree and Silver was the squarest in town.

The two truly started to explore each other when everything went to shit quickly. First it was just a booty call. Soon sometimes they would meet up on occasion. Then it eventual lead to a date. Then another, another, and another. Now they've been together for almost four years.

Enough with that, in the moment their eyes were locked. Until Bim fumbled a bit. He almost hit the floor, thankfully Silver had a tight grasp on his lover.

Ed burst in interrupting an already ruined moment. After a few minutes Bim was back up. Silver and Ed kept their eyes on him.

"I'm fine, you two idiots, you act as if I'm going to explode." Silver looked away, his face red from the remark. Ed snorted and kept his gaze. Be it a more annoyed one.

Bim finished and him and Ed were out the door. Silver wishing the two a goodbye.

Soon on the road Bim started to feel the familiar upset stomach. He tried to ignore. It wasn't the worst feeling. But as further they went the worst it got.

"Pull over the car!" Ed did as he requested, after a rough turn. Bim quickly released himself from the car. He made it short distance before throwing up on the side of the road.

The burning sensation in his throat never got old. He organs felt as if they were twisting and turning. The world he could smell was masked by the unbearable scent of his stomach content.

Ed watched, he couldn't help but to feel as if this was a familiar scene. His mind tried to recall it.

Bim got back in the car. He felt somewhat better. Though the sickness lingered.

They finally arrived at the doctor's, nothing too big, but not too small. A local place that Bim had once or twice popped into. They walked in greeted by a small waiting room.

There wasn't a lot of people there. A couple and a elderly or two. Bim went to chat with the receptionist. Ed took a seat next to the couple. Then he noticed the stroller. A small infant sat within it.

"How old is the little one?" Ed asked, the couple looked up at him. He could tell they were young.

"He's 8 months, we couldn't find a sitter." The woman picked up the bundle. Ed continued to chat with the couple. He remembered when he first became a father.

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