A blossoming hate crush (2)

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Bim had gotten somewhat used to the morning sickness. Though only a little. Puking up your guts almost everyday was still annoying.

Silver tried to be by his side any time Bim needed something. Bim was greatful for his amazing boyfriend but it was starting to get annoying.

Bim was also more tired. Ed is more around too, mostly to supply company and to pull Silver away when he got too clingy. He also was a handy man for when Bim was too nausea or passed out.

"Ed..." Bim groaned, it was morning. Ed turned to see Bim, the usually well kept man was now covered in a robes and messy hair. Ed laughed,

"Whats up, Bimmy," Ed answered, Bim grunted and went off to the kitchen. "Headache," he looked in one of the cabinets, and then sighed. He turned back to Ed.

"Can you go to the store and grab some medicine from the store." Ed waltz over to Bim, "Is that all?" Ed asked, unlike most of his joking tone, he sounded more sincere.

"Hmm, if you can... maybe some chocolate," Ed nodded, and then proceed and took his keys and left.

He drove down town. He knew just the place to do. When he pulled into one parking lot. Ed adjusted his mirror so it could be on him. He looked at himself and fixed his shirt.

Ed finally thought he looked good enough to walk into the store. A small local store that Ed went to often. One of his favorites.

The cowboy walked in. The fresh breeze from the wonky air conditioners hits him right in the face. Ed knows the place like back of his own hand. Though he took notice of his favorite employee.

"Eric!" Ed called, Eric, a quiet anxious young man. Almost the same age as his own... son... Ed laughs and placed his elbow on Eric's shoulder.

"Mr. Edgar, what do you need help finding today?" Eric asked with a soft smile on his face, Ed thought, putting on a confused act.

"Well I'm trying to find..." Before Ed could finish another voice interrupted. Eric snapped around. Ed raised an eyebrow. The cowboy was familiar was all the employees, but he never met this one.

"Uh, Dad, uh, what do you, um, need I'm with a costumer right now..." Eric's voice shaked, his words basically fumbling out of his mouth. Ed was close to jumping in front of the boy.

"I told you I needed you in the back," his father said, his tone demanding, Eric quickly waltz to the back. His father glancing up at Ed.

"Ya know, that guy was helping me," Ed said with a slight snarl. Derek shifted his attention towards Ed. It was almost as if the two were in a stand off.

"Hes busy, what do you need?" Derek spat at him, it was silent for about a second or two. Ed felt the blood in him boil.

"I thought costumer service was more important, if this is how you treat you're costumers then maybe..." Ed couldn't help the words that fell out of his mouth. He needed to give this man a piece of his mind. At least it was somewhat calm.

"Are you seriously telling me how to run my God damn business, last time I checked you're a frequent costumer, you don't need help." Derek huffed, while it was truth, the tone couldn't help but peeve Ed off more.

"I'll tell you what, I am!" Ed shouted at him, Derek had a fiery in his eyes. A fiery that Ed hadn't seen in years. Almost reminds him of his... no, not now. Derek then laughed, a fake smile washing over his face.

"I am sorry sir, I shouldn't have lost my tempter," and Derek walked off, Ed was ready to fight, at least get in one punch. He likely had cameras off or maybe more costumers came in.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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