Taking Things Slow

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Addison had spent the night at Bryce's place last night since it was so late last night when Addison was going to head home but Bryce begged her not to go and stay the night which she did. After last night it seemed like Bryce and Addison got closer together. He didn't judge her for her body looked with her bruises or anything. He kept reminding her that she was beautiful no matter what and he's always going to be there for her. They did have their first kiss last night as well and Bryce did say he would wait for her until she was ready to be in a relationship again.

Bryce had woken up and looks over to the other side of his bed to look at Addison but she wasn't there and he was thinking that maybe she left to go back home but she would have left a note. A few seconds later he smells bacon coming from downstairs and he gets up just in some shorts and no shirt heading downstairs seeing Addison in the kitchen making breakfast.

Addison: Morning, I hope it's okay I'm in your kitchen making breakfast.
Bryce: Yeah, it's fine don't worry about it you are welcome anywhere in my place.
Addison: How did you sleep?
Bryce: Good, what about you?
Addison: Great.
Bryce: *kisses her cheek and makes some coffee*
Addison: *flips over the pancakes* So, are we going to talk about last night?
Bryce: As I said, I don't want to rush you into anything or another relationship right now. I'm not going to pressure you if you're not ready. I just wanted to let you know how I felt about you.
Addison: That's sweet, but I feel like we have such a great connection between the two of us but it's just that I'm scared to let go of my past and what happened with Zack. I still have nightmares about him every single night but when I sleepover with you I don't get the nightmares.
Bryce: I will always be by your side no matter what time it is in the day.
Addison: I know I can trust you I mean you've proved it by saving my life twice. I'll always be grateful to you.
Bryce: I wanted to save you and I'm glad I did.
Addison: I'm glad you did too, but to answer your question if I'm ready or not, let's just take things slow and see where things go from there.
Bryce: That sounds great.
Addison: *smiles and finishes cooking*
Bryce: *smiles*

Addison puts their breakfast on some plates while Bryce gets both of them some coffee. They sit at the little table and they eat together while drinking their coffee. Addison knows that Bryce makes her truly happy and can make her laugh when she doesn't feel like it or is not in the mood to be happy but he has that effect on her.
After they eat breakfast they are just talking.

Bryce: Damn, that was some good food. Thank you.
Addison: *smiles* Anytime. I'm glad you liked it.
Bryce: *smiles and touches her hand*
Addison: *holds his hand*
Bryce: I like when you don't have makeup on.
Addison: *smiles* This is the first time I'm not wearing makeup in front of you.
Bryce: I know but you're gorgeous without makeup or with makeup on, baby.
Addison: *blushes and thinks did he call me baby*
Bryce: I'm sorry I shouldn't have said that we're supposed to be taking things slow *starts to get up*
Addison: *holds his hand* You don't have to be sorry. I thought it was cute plus nobody has called me baby or babe, not even other cute names. I like when you called me baby. Don't be sorry or feel embarrassed.
Bryce: I just didn't want to scare you off.
Addison: You didn't.
Bryce: Okay, so you're fine with me calling you baby or any other cute nickname.
Addison: Yes babe.
Bryce: *smiles and kisses her*
Addison: *kisses back*

They cleaned the kitchen afterward and just had a chill morning before they both had some work to do. Addison left around noon and she said goodbye to Bryce and kissed him and she went back home to get ready for some work calls and Bryce had some content to film with his friends.

Hope you guys liked this chapter. Thought this chapter was pretty cute.

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