A misunderstanding to a scandal

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The name sounds scary I know,,-
So for a lil bit of context to whats gonna happen in this (without spoiling!!), You and Boyfriend (yes from fnf), are best friends. You are one of those street junkies as some would say. A skater, a troublemaker, and rocking streetwear all in one.
You both are hanging out into the alleyway and having a lot of fun. Having the bright idea to egg the dearests house for not letting their daughter come over for a long while.

Now to begin- hope you like it and have fun reading ^^


The streets,, they were dangerous. People after your friend over just wanting to sing with them, overprotective demons, cannibalistic demons, hitmen, all that junk was in funkcity. But honestly what the hell could you expect? Just a average city with nothing but just talented rappers? No way, This place was too standout to be normal.
You and that friend, being chased left and right sat into the alleyway boredly. Your hands behind your head as leaned against the wall. Complaining
"Cmon,, It feels so much more boring without GF with us. I can't believe she was banned from visiting us ever again. I mean. You'll visit her anyways, I know that since you're in trouble with her dad already. But I don't wanna die man! Man.. lifes just. Real unfair.."
You complained. Your head leaning down a bit. Sorrowed thoughts filling your head knowing you probably couldn't see your best friend til she moved from her parents place. And even then, her parents would bug her til she was nothing but a skeleton. You looked back at the red hatted boy as watched him frown and narrow his eyes boredy. He wasn't sure what to do either. As he responded
"I dunno man..we could just head over to the arcade and play video games together but. I mean its gonna get boring pretty fast since the closest one just has the same games. Just in a different font.."
"Pft yea. Maybe we can head over to the pizza shop and just. Talk. We usually cause trouble there though, and were PROBABBLLLYYY banned"
You admitted as scratched the back of your neck a little nervously as you tried to think of things you two could do together.
"Maybe er.. Oh.! I know!"
BF rubbed his hands together in a devilish motion, letting you know he had a evil, or a troublemaking idea. As  you looked back at him with a smirk. Saying you were listening.
"Why not we get a little revenge on him for banning GF from coming over! What do you think of that?"
He asked curiously. His devilish look turning to a bit more of one with pure excitement. Having a few ideas of what to do to them, well, not girlfriend of course.
"Didn't GF give you her dads credit card info a while ago? Why not spend a bunch of money on random shit"
"Yea buttttt,, that would benefit them. Maybe just. Do a water bucket prank?"
"Wouldn't that require them to have the door cracked? The dearests got eyes, and uh, ears like a hawk! They'd hear us as soon as we even slightly crack the door. Plus. It'd just cause a spill if they were to just close it. And thats easily cleaned."
"Damn.. Maybe we could anger a beehive or something then put it in their house."
"You're stupid"
"I know"
"Wait wait!! Remember when GF told us about that kid who threw a bunch of toilet paper at their house? And even at one point some other kid threw rocks and broke their windows? What if we did something,, similar! Not extreme to where its a offense but to where it'd piss them off! Kinda like,, erm,, maybe uh! Maybe egging it!"
"Smart idea! Yknow, There IS a mall nearby here, we snatch some eggs, make sure we dont drop em BEFORE we get to the house. And we egg it! Quick and easy!"
"Awesome! And we can grab some snacks since well, I haven't eaten and it'll be a bonus when we see how he reacts, So you know the place?- You never been there I dont think so I wouldn't expect you to know"
"Yea I do! You did show me there once so."
"Cool! You remembered! It's our time to shine as the troublemakers we are!"
BF was really excited as he placed his arm around your waist. He would've wrapped his arm around your shoulder, but considering his height, and yours. He seemed like a toddler compared to you. So all he could do was wrap his arm around your stomach. Hell. You guys can't even hug without things seeming awkward. Stepping onto the sidewalk and out of that sketchy alleyway you two were in. You tilted your head up for a second, seeing the bright sun as looked back down at the sidewalk.
"The mall should be two blocks down, and to theee,, left I'm pretty sure."
You told him as you continued to walk along the sidewalks, knowing that the mall ahead would be coming up soon. And you knew your plan would come onto action. Smiling a little
"Hey..er.. um.. If we do egg his house. What to we do if he comes out?"
"We run. He's slow! I mean.. he's an old man too. Soo. Or we could let em yell at us til, and we tick em off for our entertainment"
"I would like that second offer. I know he doesn't like me much but. I'm sure it'd be kinda entertaining to me"
He giggled as had walked along you. Noticing the mall up ahead as he pointed to it.
"There it is! Just a few more steps and we can go get the eggs- Heh!"
He grabbed onto your hand gently as you giggled
"Hey!, Heh. You're real excited about this arent you! Hehe!"
You had to run, considering he was short, and walked really fast. You were stuck running with him considering all of his excitement. Making it inside the mall as you accidentally bumped into someone on your way into the mall. Looking at the enterence as you tugged him back to keep him from going to fast. And losing track of him.
"Swag. We got in! Now. Eggs should be around where the freezer stuff is. Uhh...probably towards the wall to the right.."
You said as you looked around the aisles. Not seing any freezers/fridges, of there was one, it'd probably be covered by the long hallways full of the things you didn't need at the moment. Being that all you needed was maybe some snacks and some eggs for your plan to egg the dearests house. Walking around to find the section for the eggs. Your hand wrapping against the others as you pointed towards the freezer and refridgerator section
"Yo! There it is! Lets get us some sodas or somethin and our eggs, then some snacks!"
You said as you approached the fridge section. BF following along with his usual bouncy movements. Looking at the whole worlds worth of egg cartons all into one section. Opening up the door as you grabbed a random carton. Opening it up and saw. 24 eggs! You grabbed two. One of 24, one of them of 16. Carrying it
"Can you grab me a [your favorite drink]? I think it'll be here!"
That was his form of saying yes sometimes, nervous because of the surroundings around him. Many strangers around him had stressed the little guy out, quickly running as looked for the drinks.
You looked around a little as quickly grabbed [your favorite snack], convinetly placed nearby the fridge area. As he came back with two sodas, and a pack of sour gummy worms.
"Got everything! Now for the fun part!"
You both had went out of the store. Holding hands not to lose eachother.

You both, after walked for around 15 minutes, had looked. The house mumber of 42069 stood there, as you looked down at the grass. Placed your snack down, and your eggs right in the middle of you two.
"Ready bro?"
"Ready ever!"
You both sat beside eachother. As BF looked at the house. Bouncing in excitement as he quickly grabbed two eggs. You grabbed three in one hand, and three in your other.
You threw the eggs at the house. You both were throwing eggs like crazy. Giggling like little children as the door SLAMMED open. Daddy Dearest and his kid was outside. Girlfriend.
BF had the bright idea to throw an egg at Daddy Dearests face. Giggling still.
"Gah- YOU!"
He practically growled as Girlfriend wasn't able to do anything other than laugh. Her silly S/O throwing an egg at her dad. As Daddy Dearest couldn't help but get enraged. Unable to even say a word out of pure frustration for a little. Clutching onto his hair as wiped the egg yolks off the slightly red cheeks
He yelled as he grabbed his daughters hand. Taking her inside as before he left. You had a funny idea to throw 3 eggs, two at his back and two at the back of his head at the same time. There was only 3 eggs left anyways. So you could just get rid of the boxes. Seeing him slamming the door behind him out of pure frustration. Hearing him scream behind the door. As you began to snack. Getting up
"Pft..hehe. We better get out of here cause he's gonna get even more pissy at us
"Y,,Yea good idea! Heh! Let's head over to my place and play video games, wehe!"
He giggled as picked up his sour gummy worms. Quickly picking up the two boxes.
"If you throw those boxes into the garbage from here, and make it. I'll give you 23 bucks"
"Got it!"
Without hesitation. He threw both of the boxes into the garbage. And made it?!
"Yay! I did it! You owe me 23 bucks :]"
"Damn- just don't expect me to go easy on you when we start playing mario kart!"

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