The Pandemic

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Have you ever just lost all faith, lost all hope, and thought about ending it? I have. After Dakota told me her plan in progress I really started to think I would get home sooner or later, that I had to be patient. Once she got out of the country I'd be free of that nightmare. I really thought that's how it would end, she'd get away, I'd get to go home, alls well that ends well. But as we all know, life doesn't work that way, just when things are starting to look up, there is always someone or something there to smack you back down. Keep you from being free. That day... I think that was the day I truly lost my mind. I just threw all reason out the window and said fuck it, if I'm stuck here for the rest of my life so be it. I might as well enjoy myself.

The Pandemic

The day started off normal enough, I turned on the tv to hear any news about my case but it wasn't me everyone was talking about. I had heard small snippets about the pandemic here and there but I never thought it would be something that affects me. It always just seemed so far away.

But there it was, headlining, taking my screen time. NBA cancels season, then the next big hit. Borders being closed, no one in, but most importantly no one out. There was the governor of my state, telling everyone to stay home, closing down the businesses, and canceling large gatherings. We are in a state of emergency.

The hits just kept on coming.

Schools closing.

Limits to the amount of food you can buy.

Hospitals and emergency services are overworked and overrun.

Job layoffs.

Not a single mention about the kidnapped girl Melony Black.

Suddenly I didn't exist anymore. No one was looking for me. The police had lots of other things to worry about than me. Melony Black who everyone by this point already assumed was dead no longer had the spotlight and the attention of anyone.

At this point, I have been missing for nearly 3 months. I missed my finals for my school and I didn't get to register for classes for the spring semester. My life was leaving me behind, but not just my life, the world was leaving me behind. Running for cover to protect itself. Who was I compared to a worldwide pandemic?

"Hey," Dakota walked into my room.

"Aren't you supposed to be at school?" I ask.

"They shut it down, sent everyone home. We are switching to online learning now. So you're going to be seeing a lot more me around. Hope you don't mind."

"Do I have a choice?"

"So what are you doing?" she sat next to me.

"The same thing I've been doing every day since I got here." I sigh.

"Wanna do something fun?" she asked.

I eyed her.

"Come on," she grabbed my hand.

I sighed but followed her.

She led me into her garage and inside wasn't a car or anything like that. Although I did finally get to see her washer and drying and they are really nice. No wonder the girl likes washing clothes so much.

"Ta-da!" she led me over to a big box with a pool picture on it.

"Yay?" I looked at her.

"We have to set it up, obviously."


"In here."

"Uh, in your garage!?"


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