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Bringing Good Luck to your Husband in the ’70s Chapter 41: Wages, proposal
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After the lotus and peach blossoms finished the noodles, the old lady Han came back with Han Aiguo. Han Aiguo's face was always expressionless and could not see anything, but the old lady Han's face was not so good. I know I'm very upset.

In front of the child, the old lady Han didn't say what happened just now, but explained to the lotus sisters: "If your mother doesn't feed you anymore, you will come to find milk, and the milk will be your master."

The lotus sisters nodded happily again.

After that, the old lady didn't mention it again and continued to make pastries.

When it was getting dark, the pastries were all done. Seeing that it was time for dinner, the old lady asked Su Yue to go back after dinner here. There were a lot of dishes left at noon. Just warm them up in the evening. I won’t eat them today. It may be broken tomorrow.

Su Yue should go down.

The old lady Han did not let the lotus and the peach blossom go back, and asked the two sisters to stay here and take a bite with them before going back.

Although Lotus wanted to eat at Grandma's place, she shook her head, "Milk, Taohua and I will go home to eat. Our ration is not here, so I can't always eat your ration." Today, she and Taohua have eaten a lot of milk. I can’t eat anymore, or my grandma’s rations won’t be enough.

Old lady Han knew that she was sensible, and she became more and more annoyed that the patriarch of her second son and couple came, rubbed her hair and said: "It's okay, there are a lot of vegetables left at noon, so let's make some corn cakes with milk, enough for us to eat. "The second daughter-in-law hasn't come to tell the sisters to go back to dinner. She may be angry with the sisters, and now I don't know if they will have food.

Seeing this, Lotus hesitated, looked at her eager sister, and finally nodded in agreement, but when the old lady Han was about to give her the fifty cents that had been burned today, she stuffed the money back to Han again. The old lady’s hand said, "Milk, I won’t need any money from the fire in the future, so I will give all milk. Milk can you give me two pieces of cake a day?" Her mother was reluctant to burn it every night, it was all gruel, she and peach blossom I'm so hungry that I can't sleep every night. If I can get two cakes from the milk, I won't be afraid of being hungry.

After thinking about it, Mrs. Han knew what the child wanted the cake for. With her second wife’s temperament, the two children must not have enough to eat.

When the child is growing up, it’s not good to be hungry all the time. It stands to reason that it’s okay for her grandmother to give the child two pieces of cake a day. There is no need to collect lotus money, but I think of the second daughter-in-law earning money from lotus flowers. She was angry when she didn't feed her children. She deliberately wanted to teach her second daughter-in-law a lesson, so she nodded and agreed: "That's OK. From now on, I will give you and Taohua two cakes every day." As for the money, she Collect the lotus, make some clothes for the two children in the future, and save it as a dowry. According to their mother's personality, she does not expect her to prepare a dowry for the two children.

Hearing that one person can eat two pieces of cake, both Lotus and Peach are happy, but Lotus expects to go back and have no money to give to her mother. Her mother will definitely ask, knowing that she will be angry if she spends the money to buy cakes. Yes, so she timidly discussed with the old lady Han: "Milk, if my mother asks, don't you say whether we are buying cakes? Or my mother will kill me."

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