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Home » Bringing Good Luck to your Husband in the ’70s BGLTYH » Chapter 81: Domestic violence, trolley
Bringing Good Luck to your Husband in the ’70s Chapter 81: Domestic violence, trolley
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Seeing her dodging eyes, Han Aiguo's eyes deepened, and he just got up, took out the bag of things that Su Yue had just hidden from the closet, opened it, and took one out of it, but he was not sure what it was for. , Frowned slightly, and asked inquisitively: "Yue'er, what is this for? I use it?"

Su Yue covered her face, looked at him with wet eyes from her fingers, and whispered three words.

"What?" Han Aiguo didn't hear clearly.

Su Yue had to lean in his ear and whispered to him.

After listening, Han Aiguo's eyes deepened instantly, and he looked at her deep and sticky. The heat in his eyes seemed to melt people, making Su Yue feel her body was getting hot, and her heart could not help beating quickly. , Hurriedly avoided his eyes, grabbed the one in his hand, intending to temporarily put away this impure thing.

Han Aiguo stopped her, took the thing back from her hand, and said in a low voice: "Don't take it, isn't it for me? I use it now, OK?"

After finishing speaking, she quickly turned off the light without waiting for Su Yue’s answer, pressed her under her body, and stripped off each other’s clothes in the dark. After rustling for a while, she suddenly said with a low voice, "I won’t use it. , You help me put it on."

Su Yue blushed for a while and silently stretched out her hand to help him.

Han Aiguo felt it for a while, frowned slightly, and whispered in her ear: "Yue'er, it's not very comfortable. I can't feel you directly after anything else."

Su Yue panted carefully, covering his mouth weakly, "Don't talk! You must use this, if you get pregnant again, I will kill you!"

Han Aiguo stopped talking, lowered his head and worked hard in silence.

This night, Han Aiguo spent a longer time than usual, tossing Su Yue so hard to finish, and almost couldn't get up the next day.

Su Yue felt that she was digging a hole for herself. If this thing was useless, Han Aiguo wouldn't have to toss her for so long anyway. With this, she would only have to linger.

I'm sorry for her old waist... woo woo woo...

However, there is no despair, there is only more despair. The more desperate thing is that half a month later, the thirty sets that Xu Can brought with him were gone! It's all used up!

She thinks it can be used for at least two months, but in half a month it was gone...

When she thought that it was only half a month, she would go to Xu Can again. Su Yue couldn't stand it no matter how thick-skinned she was. She could imagine the look in Xu Can's eyes when she spoke to Xu Can. Just think about it. Feel shameless to face. What a shame.

This made her so angry that she punched and kicked at Han Aiguo, "Han Aiguo, you big pervert, you all blame you, you are so uncontrollable, it only runs out in half a month, how can it be done like this! You can't Be restrained! Where can I get so much energy when I get older!"

An elderly Han Aiguo blinked, his eyelashes lowered like confession, and he could not fight back or scold him.

It was the first time for Dabao and Xiaobao to see his mother commit domestic violence against his father. He was shocked and stopped playing with toys. The two little guys watched the domestic violence scene with big sullen eyes, and only saw his mother clenching his fist and beating. Dad’s chest banged, and he squeezed Dad’s meat with his hands, and occasionally opened his mouth to bite Dad.

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