Pauls POV (Not Percy's step-father)

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Paul's POV
I am currently sitting down on one of the low walls that frame the large trees at my university, waiting for my friend to show up. I got bored after about ten minutes so I pulled out my book on architecture and started to read.


I looked up at the offending person as I rubbed the sore spot on my head. "Oh come on" she scoffed "it wasn't that hard"

"Annabeth, sometimes I wonder how you can underestimate your own strength so much" I grumbled, that girl packs a punch!

She smirked, grabbed my arm and we started walking towards the enormous building that is our lecture hall.

"Did you hear what the teachers were saying yesterday?" I asked her, and I was mildly surprised when she shook her head. Not much gets past Annabeth, and, if you think you can - you're dead.

(of course, I didn't realize how true this was until I met Percy Jackson)

"Apparently their getting in a bunch of people from another university for that jobs week thingy and we're all going to sit in the lecture hall for hours, listening to a whole lot of people give speeches about what they do for a living. Fun" I said in a dryly sarcastic tone.

For some reason, Annabeth's expression visibly brightened and she told me that she knew about it, that Percy told her

Just hearing that name made me flare with rage. Annabeth obviously had a crush on him, cus she won't stop talking about him - how he's a counselor at the same camp as her, how they've been best friends since the age of twelve, how the whole camp (consisting of 13-17 yr olds) predicted they'd get together, how they were all placing bets and how she thinks he's so wonderful...

"Paul? Paul! Anyone home?"

I shook myself out of my internal rage rant and apologized to Annabeth. She rolled her eyes and continued walking. Just before the double-door entrance, were about 100 or so people that looked to be around the same age as me and Annabeth, so 20-ish.

"Hey guys! I found Owl-Face!" said a random voice. "She's with a guy that looks like Frank when he was 16, y'know, the whole baby-panda-resemblance thing?"

"Hey!" cried someone loudly

I rolled my eyes at the maturity level of some people while Annabeth was grinning her head off. I couldn't think of any reasons why, as she's usually the serious one. Well, she's not really serious just... more mature than either me or the twins (our other friends. combined level of maturity = 0.0002)

We squeezed through the crowd and eventually made it to the double doors. They were locked. I turned around to find Annabeth scanning the crowd intently, her grey eyes swirling with amusement, golden curls flying around her face in the slow wind...

My eyes widened and my cheeks burnt a little as she caught me staring. I quickly turned my head and counted to five before looking back. In my fantasies, I would see her blushing and hiding her face, stormy eyes sneaking quick glances as we'd both slowly move closer before...

*cough* um... yea... you get the picture...

Y'know those moments when you see someone wave so you wave back, only to find that they're waving to the person behind you? That's kinda what happened now. Annabeth didn't catch me staring at her. She didn't even notice me, as she was looking behind me with a smile I'm never seen on her face before.

It was endearing, sweet and playful all at the same time. Jealousy coursed through my veins as I thought about who she could be staring at. I tried to be casual as I turned around to see who the unworthy recipient of that enviable gaze was.

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