Chapter 10

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I closed my eyes, listening to the blood splash in the bathtub as Urado moved. "Mai." I said, slightly proud of how steady my voice was.

"Nira, there's so much." She whispered. "Did that blood come from the missing people?"

"My guess? Probably. Focus on getting rid of him before you do free me, yeah?"

"Right." There was a rustle and her hands moved. "Namauku samanda bazaradan kan. Namauku samanda bazaradan kan. Namauku samanda bazaradan kan." I turned my head in the opposite direction, this time careful to keep myself from leaning face against the—ewwww—bloody surface. Her hands moved horizontally and vertically in time to each of the Nine Syllables. "Rin. Pyou. Tou. Sha. Kai. Chin. Retsu. Zai. Zen!"

There was an even louder splash. Relief swept over me, but not for long. There was cry as Mai was whisked backwards. "Are you okay?" I called.

"It's his henchmen!"

Huuuuu. Huuuuu. Huuuuu.

My breath caught in my throat as something wheezed to the best of steady spongy footsteps. The smell of blood grew stronger.


Mai screamed. Somewhere nearby, a blessedly familiar voice shouted, "Mai!?"

Naru. I almost burst into tears as I listened to footsteps pounding.


A door banged open. A strong, steady whistle rang out, and almost immediately streaks of light flashed overhead. There was a wet thump as they hit their target. "Are you okay?" I heard Bou-san ask Mai.

I flinched as a tall figure stepped into view, followed by a shorter one. That was all I saw before someone shoved their flashlight in my face. "Nira? Are you okay?" Madoka asked worriedly. I felt someone saw at the straps. "There's blood all over you!"

"I'd be a lot better if I wasn't blinded." I croaked. "Also, the blood isn't mine. I need a shower..."

"Oh, sorry. Do you need help with those, Lin?"

"I'm almost done."

The last strap snapped free. Madoka assisted me off the table, clucking as she supported me when I staggered. "Let's get out of here." Lin said, his voice tense. "Urado hasn't been vanquished yet. He's only somewhat surprised."

We formed a little retinue as we dashed through the hallways and down staircases with Naru leading the way, the boys guarding the sides, and Lin following the back. Madoka kept a hand on my shoulder. I had never grown my athletic bone, so within a few minutes I was wheezing and my entire body felt like it was covered in glass shards. Naru glanced behind us, and whatever he saw made him blanch momentarily. "Go out through the window over there!" He barked, taking control immediately. "Get out of here any way you can!"

Without warning and with a spectacular amount of strength, Madoka bundled me through the window faster than I could even blink. I landed on grass with a cry as my throbbing back leveled up to pure pain. "Oh, owwwwww." I whimpered.

I felt gentle hands on my back. There were grunts and the soft crunching of grass as the others heaved themselves through. "You're not injured, are you?"

"Hurt my back when I fell. Got my pressure point smacked." I grunted, blinking past reflex tears. "Must've bruised myself bad, but that's it."

"Man...why..." We were all in bad shape from all the running—though Lin was too poised to flop over or sit hunched against the wall like Naru—and Bou-san looked like death, sprawled out and sweating buckets. "...did you charge in alone?"

Written on the Walls (self-insert #5)Where stories live. Discover now