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No one's p

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No one's p.o.v

"Yes, yes. I am Jeon Taehyung." Taehyung was already lying on the hospital bed.
Dr.Lisa (her solo is insane, such a talented queen. Lalisaaaaa!!!)
was asking Taehyung some questions, just before he will go to delivery room.

"And you are Jeon Jungkook, the father on the babies and his husband?" Lisa made sure.

"Yes, that's me." Jungkook arrived to the hospital about an hour ago.
As he entered Taehyung's room he hugged his husband and made sure he was okay.

"Okay, so Taehyung you will probably stay giving birth in less than two hours.
If you feel any extreme pain or anything weird, please press this button." Lisa said, pointing at the button right above Taehyung's head.

The couple nodded and with that Lisa left the room to help other patients.
When Lisa exited the room, all of the hyungs entered to check up on the couple.

"Hey Jungkook, how are you Taehyung?" Jimin waved at Jungkook and asked Taehyung about his feelings.

"I am good Jimin, I got my Epidural so I don't feel almost any pain. Just a bit pressure around my lower stomach from time to time." Taehyung explained.

"Well, good to hear Tae." Jimin smiled.

'I can't wait for the babies to come out already." Jin said softly, smiling at the couple.

"Me either, I am so ready to hold them in my arms already." Jungkook said, caressing Taehyung's tummy.

"I will teach them how to cook nicely and how to tell leJINdary jokes." Jin joked.

"Not again dude!" Hoseok joked.

"Don't dude me you piece of sunshine!" Jin scolded Hoseok making everyone laugh.

"I will teach them how to be super swag and how to sleep for long hours and how to rap." Yoongi said, making everyone say 'awwww' at his soft and protective side.

"I will teach them how to be good students and how to be a great leader." Namjoon said proudly.

"Well, I hear pure facts." Taehyung said.

"I will teach them how to smile and be positive, topping that with some dance lessons." Hoseok made a heart sign with his hands.

"I will teach them some dance moves as well and how to laugh without falling down on the ground! Oh wait. I can't do that!" Jimin said.

Everyone laughed at his joke.
They were so ready to welcome the four new family members.

"I hope I will be a good dad. I will teach them all I know and will try to provide them the best life that I can." Jungkook said.

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