UtaPri with Author

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Author: *sighs* I am just forced to do this ... because of Reiji-kun ...

Reiji: Why me??

Author: Because I love you??? *giggles*

Reiji: *blushes* you love me??

Author: *laughs* just joking...

Reiji: Eeeeehhh??

Syo/Natsuki: *laughs very hard*

Ittoki: Rei-chan you're so funny *laughs*

Reiji: you're mean Otoyan ... *pouts*

Ittoki: Otoyan?!

Natsuki: Kawaii~ *runs to Reiji*

Me and them: *sweatdrops*

Ittoki: Run for your life Rei-chan!!

Reiji: Ehhh??

Syo: Just saying to warn you ...

Natsuki: *hugs Reiji* Kawaii!!!

Reiji: I-I can't breathe ...

Syo/Ittoki: See ?

Tokiya/Ren/Masato: What's happening here??

Ittoki: Nacchan hugging Rei-chan ..

Tokiya/Ren/Masato: *sweatdrops*

Ren: Good luck to you senpai ...

Ai: what's happening here?

Natsuki: *sees Ai* ANOTHER KAWAII!!!! *Runs to Ai*

Reiji: *exhausted* finally ...

Syo: Senpai run for your life!!!

Reiji: Ai-Ai run !!!!

Ai: W-what ? *hugs by Natsuki* the heck ??

Ranmaru: Oi , why are you hugging Ai?

Natsuki: because Ai-chan is Kawaii !!

Author: Stop that .... Nacchan .. you will crush him to death if you continue that ..

Natsuki: Hai~

Author: I will end this now ..

Ren: Ok...

Natsuki: Why ???!!!!!

Author: Don't worry ok ... I will do a part 2 ..

Natsuki: yay!! *runs to Author-chan*

Author: *runs for her life and shouting* Syo-chan do the ending !!!

Syo: Author-chan says see yah to the next Chapter ...

Ren: Bye Ladies.. *winks*

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