Hayato and Tokiya are twins ?!!!

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Hayato: Hey there !!!!!! *smiles widely*

Tokiya: Hey ..

Author: WTF ?

Tokiya and Hayato: We are twins .

Satsuki and Natsuki: We are too

Kaoru and Syo: Us too ..

Rei: Uwaaaaaahhh ! Many twins !!!!

Twins in OHSHC: We are too .. *winks*

Author: Gaaaaahhh !! Wrong anime you two !!!

Twins in OHSHC: Gomen ne~ *disappears*

Author: *sighs and facepalm*

Haruka: you seem tired .. Author-san

Author: y-yeah .. I am ..

Syo: why are you tired ?

Author: I can't think of topic here ...

All except Author: eeeeeehhh ??

Author: yes ..

All except Author: Then ask the readers !!!!

Author: Hai hai~

All except Author: Sooooo ..

Author: Reader-san .. I wanna ask .. what do you want 'topic' here ????

All: That's all for now !! Byebye~

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