Prelude to Loss and Pain

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And I'm back! Sorry it took this long to post an update. Between being wasted with work and having multiple story ideas running in my head, it kinda felt really hard to know which story idea to focus on. So instead I share to you a draft of an old project I was working on before work took over. It's set during the Earth-X crossover, where things take on a darker turn. Hope you guys like it.

And with that, let's get on with the story. Enjoy!

Earth-1, Central City

Central City has never looked more like a warzone than it did today as the armies of Earth-X Nazis swarmed in to attack and take over the city. Standing against them are the combined might of the heroes and fighters from both Central and Star City, as well as their comrades hailing from other Earths. The battle was long and hard, with the heroes managing to hold their ground for a while. Eventually, the sheer numbers of the Nazi invaders managed to take their toll on the defenders despite most of them being either superpowered individuals or highly trained fighters, leaving them battered and badly beaten with only a very few of them still fighting, mostly because of either their powers or their sheer force of will.

Barry Allen aka The Flash is one of those heroes still left standing. Because of his speed and stamina he is able to still keep on fighting to protect his Earth, especially when he learned that his nemesis Eobard Thawne aka the Reverse Flash is also aligned with the Nazi invaders. The two speedsters kept on fighting each other, red and yellow streaks chasing each other all over the city, throwing punches and jabs as they go through streets, buildings, alleys, etc.

Meanwhile in the sky, two female figures are having their own battle. Kara Danvers aka Supergirl is fighting her Earth-X doppelganger Overgirl, the two of which are so evenly matched that it’s hard to tell which of them have the advantage over the other, since both of them are sporting numerous wounds and bruises from their battle. Eventually the evil Kryptonian managed to get the upper hand, thanks to a powerful sucker punch, knocking out Supergirl in the process, causing her to fall, but not before Overgirl catches her by the neck and with a tight grip, did a freefall and chokeslammed Supergirl at full speed, causing the pavement to break and create a large crater a couple of meters deep. Both Kryptonians are extremely exhausted, with Overgirl smirking at her doppelganger who lay on the ground, nearly unconscious.

While the fight between the Kryptonians were happening, Oliver Queen aka The Green Arrow is also busy fighting his evil counterpart aka The Fuhrer of Earth-X, Dark Arrow. Much like the fight between Supergirl and Overgirl, their fight is also evenly matched. Both of them are so skilled with their fighting and archery techniques that it’s nearly impossible to get an opening for an attack. Their battle wore on for a long while, with each one getting an occasional punch or kick to their opponent but both were unable to get an shot at the other. That is, until a loud crash resounded just near their location. The Green Arrow turned around to the check the source, only to see a large crater where Overgirl slowly stood up as she tried to drag Supergirl’s unconscious body across the ground with one hand. Momentarily shocked at seeing his Kryptonian friend’s current state, Oliver quickly took out an arrow and poised to shoot at Overgirl but instead felt a sharp pain on his chest as he found an arrow head protruding from it which is covered in blood. His blood. Turning back he saw Dark Arrow holding out an empty bow, an evil smirk forming from his face as he finally got the shot he needed to end the fight. His opponent’s smirk was the last thing he saw before falling to the ground on his side, breathing ever so slightly.

“I’ll be honest with you, it didn’t need to end like this you know. If you’ve just given Supergirl to us early on, we would’ve left in peace. I mean, don’t get me wrong. We still would’ve conquered your Earth. But at least it would’ve given you time to say goodbye to your loved ones.” Dark Arrow said as he jumped from the top of the truck they were fighting on earlier. He then crouched and looked at Green Arrow's glazed eyes and said “Hell, you could’ve even used that time to come up with a better plan to fight us. Not that it would do you and your comrades any good, but at least you would’ve had a better chance.” Dark Arrow chuckled darkly as he stood up and walked towards his wife’s direction.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 31, 2021 ⏰

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