Frieza X Male Reader

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Suggested by bunny_gutz.

At the balcony of Capsule Corp, Vegeta, the Z Fighters, and Bulma, shocked to see Goku, Whis, and Lord Beerus teleported back, along with them is none other than Frieza himself. Everyone frowned, not happy about this idea. But they have no choice since the tournament is fast approaching. 

Frieza could only give them a smug look and cackled evilly, "Well well, I can see some familiar faces", he said. Until he spots an unfamiliar man standing next to Gohan. "Oh? Who's...this?", he asked while pointing to him.

The man's name is (Y/n) or (Y/n)-San or (Y/n)-Chan, depending on his peers' age. He is a (height) and (weight) (insert age) Earthling with (length) (color) hair, (color) eyes, has brood and big brood body due to having muscles while wearing his (color) tank top (or whatever clothing that you prefer more), (color) pants, (color) belt, and (color) (sneakers or boots).

Frieza never saw an Earthling looking more...masculine and slightly buff up before. Yet he can sense some good and bad aura in his spirit. He almost despised him for being good, yet he couldn't get himself from finding (Y/n) very....handsome. He wasn't sure why this Earthling is needed for this team. Goku noted Frieza's behavior and smirks. 

He walked over to (Y/n) and patted him on the back, "Say (Y/n), what do you think of Frieza?", he asked. (Y/n) hums while staring at the scary and evil emperor, "Is he really the one you talked about? He seems...short and very evil at that", he asked. Goku nods, "I know he's evil but we definitely need him for this tournament. But since we have an hour left, maybe...", he trailed off.

"Maybe what?", (Y/n) asked while raising a brow at him. Goku chuckled, "Maybe you and Frieza should be good acquaintances together, so you two can be good friends", he replied with his usual awkward laugh. 

(Y/n) gave Goku an annoyed look, yet he looked back at Frieza who was sitting alone at the patio table. He probably won't mind if he does this one time and turns back to Goku, "Sure, why not?", he said. Goku nods, "Well have fun~", he said before heading his way to his friends.

Once Goku left, (Y/n) walked over to Frieza's table. Frieza was just staring at the night sky til he sensed (Y/n)'s ki. "What do you want, Earthling?", he said while his back turned on him. (Y/n) walk right across from the table, "Hopefully you don't mind my company for the time being", he asked. Frieza closed his eyes, "Fine, just don't get too friendly with me", he said. (Y/n) sat on his chair and both of them are silent; not talking or making a word, they are in an awkward position.

It's only a few minutes and neither of them are talking. Frieza was hoping that (Y/n) would decide to leave, but he can still sense the Earthling's ki. Frieza can tell that he won't leave; He opens his eyes and turns to stare at him, "What? Got something to say?", he asked. 

(Y/n) can tell that Frieza does not associate with beings like Earthlings, yet he does find Frieza's stubbornness kind of cute. He did not realize that he was staring at Frieza with a smile and seductive and friendly eye contact. Frieza caught that look and slightly blush.

(Y/n) stared in shock at Frieza's reaction. Frieza shook his head and turned away, "Oh don't even think that I can associate with you!", he said. What is he thinking? Frieza, the evil tyrant of Universe 7, blushing by an Earthling? Frieza wondered why and noticed (Y/n)'s ki is more powerful than most Earthlings like Krillin. 

Frieza's red eyes stare at (Y/n)'s body, finding his physique very appealing to him. He can feel blush appearing on his cheeks again. (Y/n) can tell that Frieza's flustered when he's caught looking at him. (Y/n) smirked.

Frieza got scared for a second due to this Earthling's mischievous smirk. He was wondering what this man is up to. "So Frieza, you're the evil emperor Goku told me?", he asked. Frieza felt a twitch on his forehead, he couldn't believe that Saiyan would tell (Y/n) about him. "Yeah, so?", Frieza said, unimpressed. 

(Y/n) nods, "Well, I can see why everyone hates you. I mean you completely committed more genocides than other villains' of our universe (don't worry, I'm not going to reference real life figures here).

Frieza gets annoyed by his observation, "Yeah, and why are we talking about this?", he asked sarcastically. (Y/n) can understand this kind of person Frieza is, "Well that's because...I used to be evil as well", he confessed without hesitation. 

Frieza turned to him and stared in confused looks, "Oh? A heroic Earthling who fights for good used to be bad?", he said, "Why did you turn your back on evil?" (Y/n) explained his story: as an infant, his parents were killed by a drunk driver. When he was placed in foster care, he went through twenty families; sadly they do not care for him and his foster siblings always try to harm him using pocket knives and beatings.

But at age 7, he ended up killing many innocent lives just to show his rage at the world. Since 7 years old, he was sent to Juvie; however he's the ruler of prison and always escapes, causing so much pain, havoc, and suffering as he steals and kills. 

Until two years ago, he met Goku who caught (Y/n) trying to assassinate a bank teller who also has a family. Goku told him what he did was wrong; it didn't make (Y/n) see that til one day when he witnessed children killed. He may be evil, yet he does not want to harm children.

He realized that just because he was harmed as a child, doesn't mean he would do the same to a child who did nothing to him. Plus, if he took their parents away from them, then they would become homeless and orphaned. Therefore, he eventually quit killing innocent lives. However, he still doesn't like to be called "a new good person" since he still kills thugs and other bad guys to earn money. 

Frieza wasn't impressed, yet he finds the story somewhat cute. He smirked, "I see, even a badass like you have standards. Unlike you, I don't hesitate to kill anyone including children", he bragged. (Y/n) gave him a leer look, "If you did that now Frieza, I promise you that I'll make you sorry", he warned him.

Frieza finds his leer very chilling and sends chills down his spine (I lost my spine! Help!). He finds the stare very...erotic to Frieza. His mind just went down hill as he just couldn't stop thinking about (Y/n). "For god sake", he exclaimed in his mind, "Why can't I stop thinking about that Earthling? The damn tournament's about to start soon and I don't want to spend the last thirty minutes with him!" He stared back to (Y/n) who is now just staring handsomely and gave him a naughty smile.

Frieza must be sick because he's obviously got the love fever. Frieza accidentally let out a sigh that sounded more wanting and that made Frieza gasp in shock. "Oh my Kami, don't tell me that him!?", he asked himself mentally. 

Feeling strange and almost losing control of himself, he immediately went up to (Y/n)'s face while grabbing him by the collar of his tank top. (Y/n) stood there, watching the short emperor looking very mad at him. But he can tell by Frieza's lustful filled eyes. (Y/n) smirked, "So?", he said, teasingly.

Without no one around, Frieza quickly leaned in and whispered, "If you laugh at me, I'll kill you", then he kissed his lips. (Y/n) smiled through the kiss and felt Frieza's lips departing. Frieza blushed while giving him a tsundere stare. Frieza yelps as he feels (Y/n)'s hand pull him in and roughly kiss back. 

Freiza's muffled yelps as he felt (Y/n)'s other hand groping his rump. (Y/n)'s tongue slid inside Frieza's mouth; that made Frieza blush even more. He can feel the tender kiss, making him crazy for more. But Frieza quickly pushed him away.

"Alright, that's enough", Frieza said, arms crossed over his chest. (Y/n) smiled as he stood beside Frieza, "You know, if we win this tournament, not only will you be revived, but we can have a secret relationship if you like~", he said. Frieza blushes while muttering, "As if, Earthling." Once (Y/n) stares up at the starry night sky, Frieza secretly stares at his face, "If only I could kiss you back, (Y/n)-Chan~", he thought to himself.

Once thirty minutes have gone up, Whis calls out everyone to form a circle. (Y/n) already holds Frieza's hands and Frieza frowned, yet blush again. Goku giggled to himself, "I bet they're getting along just fine", and then let Frieza hold his wrist. Once everyone holds hands, Whis informs the Grand Priest that the Universe 7 team is ready to transit. Then, everyone hovered mid-air until they disappeared.

The End

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