Chapter 3

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Dylan drops me off at the tower and doesn't say a word as I get out of the car. The second the car door is closed he pulls away from the curb and drives off to work. I still have to search for a dress to wear tonight. Dylan's having this thing for work tonight and the whole company is going to be present so I want to look good on his arm.

I take the elevator up to the main floor and smile at the sight of Sam and Natasha on the couch playing Mario Cart. Natasha was beating his ass and Sam kept yelling at Nat every time she would use one of her power ups on him. She laughed evilly.

"This is bullshit!" Sam exclaims and falls back onto the couch in defeat once Nat wins.

"Hell yeah!" Natasha shouts as she jumps up in victory with her fists in the air.

Nat's the first to notice me. A smile immediately takes over her face and she sets her controller down and hurries over to me.

"Lily, she's cheating!" Sam complains.

Natasha throws an arm around me and sticks her tongue out at Sam.

"How you doing sugar? I got a few places in mind we can go to find you the perfect dress for tonight." Nat grins as she leads me out of the living room and we go up to her room.

"Aren't we leaving for a mission in thirty?" I question.

"I mean after the mission, duh." Nat smirks.

"Alright then, it's a date." I laugh as I part ways with her and head off to get ready for the mission.

I sit beside Sam on the jet and watch him play some game on his phone. I laugh when he dies for the fifth time in a row and he lets out a groan of annoyance.

"You suck at this oh my god!" I fall into a fit of laughter.

"Ok let's see you try." Sam scoffs as he hands over his phone.

I bite my lip and lean with the phone as I try to do the controls at the same time. "Come on, come on..." I mumble and I stand up with a shout of victory and flip Sam off in his face.

"I win bitch! Haha!" I laugh as Sam's mouth drops open and he snatches his phone back to see the new high score I got him.

"That's fucking bullshit!" Sam cries out as the team chuckles.

"Let me see that." Clint grins and I grab Sam's phone from his hands as he protests and I move to sit over by Clint.

"Here." I snicker as I give him Sam's phone.

The phone gets passed around until we reach the hydra base and Tony stands up and claps his hands.

"Let's go." He grins and we all jump from the jet.

We split up in the base to get rid of the agents while Natasha downloads some information onto a hard drive. The man I'm currently engaged in a fight with keeps trying to slash me with a knife and it's getting pretty annoying. He falters and I'm about to take my chance and kick him in the chest when he's thrown halfway across the hall. I turn to see Wanda at the opposite end of the hall.

"Thanks." I call out.

"Anytime honey." She winks and runs off.

I continue on down the hall when a pair of arms grab me around the middle. The man moves me toward the wall and my feet move up the wall until I break free to jump over him. I kick him in the center of his back and his face smashes into the cement wall. He turns to me with a hand over his bloody nose and pulls a knife on me. I don't even have the chance to react when Bucky comes out of nowhere and barrels into the man, sending the guy to the ground. The man falls unconscious and I thank Bucky before moving deeper into the base.

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