Chapter 1: Sakura's Broken hearted

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Hokage Tower

Sakura walked to the street and wants see sasuke to surprise.But she see kissing another woman.And she towards to them.And she slapped the girl named karin.

Sakura: sasuke you cheat on me
Sasuke: let me explain
Sakura: you cheat on me this chip girl and you want a slapped

Sakura harder karin on her face.

Karin: ouch and who are you
Sakura: i'm his girlfriend and your mistress
Karin: slut
???: dont call her that
Karin: who are you
Mia: i'm her best friend
Karin: just like her weak

Mia slapped harder karin left and right

Mia: she is not weak she is best medical ninja and she is student the one legendary sanin fifth hokage
Karin: i dont care sasuke-kun is mine
Sakura: never karin i will report this what is your mess bitch
Karin: w-what
Sasuke: lets me explain sakura
Sakura: no sasuke we broke up
Sasuke: but
Sakura: you cheat on me
Itachi: sasuke chill she need space
Sasuke: i want you back
Sakura: and remember this karin i'm not a weak not just like you weak

Sakura left

Mia: sakura
Itachi: we talk about this sasuke tell us what happend and karin dont return if sakura reported you i'm sure hokage execution to you
Mia: you deserve to died
Sasuke: i will tell you in the house
Itachi: okay dont follows and you are not perfect to my brother
Mia: yeah lets go sasuke itachi-kun

Sasuke Itachi and Mia left

To Uchiha Complex

???: wow who is here
Sasuke: shut up
Shisui: what happend to him
Mia: he cheat on sakura
Itachi: and now he dont how to explain to sakura why he kissed that girl named karin
Shisui: oh
Itachi: lets go

Inside the house

Sasuke: taidama
Mikoto: okeari whats wrong sasuke
Mia: well he cheat on sakura
Mikoto: oh why you to do that
Sasuke: i need to explain all of you of course you too dad
Fugaku: okay

They sit on the couch

Mia: now tell us what happend
Sasuke: karin i was drink a choco milk and she came me and talk and i dont what she put on my drink and its was a drug
Itachi: that girl
Mia: love please
Itachi: okay
Sasuke: and i want to explain to sakura but she not listen to me
Mia: she hurt so much you know sasuke
Sasuke: i know i want karin pay this what she did to me
Mia: you need tell to hokage and karin put on the cell and her execution that solution sasuke
Itachi: yeah mia's right you need go to hokage before sakura left in hokage
Sasuke: write you in
Mia: yes im in
Itachi: im in you shisui
Shisui: no i stay here
Mia: okay lets go

They left

They run to hokage tower and they knocking the office.


Lady Tsunade: come in
Sasuke: hokage-sama i need tell someth-
Lady Tsunade: what is it
Sasuke: karin drug on me
Lady Tsunade: what is that true
Sasuke: yes mia-neesan and itachi-niichan know this i tell them
Sakura: i need to pay that bitch
Mia: sakura wait
Itachi: stay here talk hokage

ItaMia left

They after sakura

Sakura finally find karin.

Ino: forehead why you here
Sakura: stay out of it ino pig
Karin: i tell them what you di-
Sakura: you drug sasuke
Karin: how do you know that
Sakura: sasuke tell us
Karin: what
Sakura: now the anbu get you and put in the cell
Karin: what
Ino: so you lie to us karin bitch why did to my friend sakura
Tenten: yeah you lie to us
Karin: her said is not
Sakura: you tell truth

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