Chapter 2: Cherry Tree Festival

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The Next Day

Cherry Tree Festival

To Uchiha House

Mia woke up and she see her boyfriend are still sleeping.

Mia: hey love good morning happy birthday
Itachi: thank you love
Mia: and one thing gift for you get be ready we go somewhere
Itachi: okay
Mia: i need go out side i will wait you there in dinning room
Itachi: okay *thinking she hiding something i need find out what she hiding*

Mia left

To Dinning room

Mia: shisui the surprise for itachi
Shisui: its ready
Mia: you sasuke
Sasuke: of course is ready
Shisui: cherry tree festival
Mia: yeah be ready

Present Time

Itachi came out the room and he shocked why so silent.And they want to scared itachi to his birthday once to step in the dinning room.

All: happy birthday
Itachi: thank you mom dad shisui sasuke and you too mia
Mia: your welcome and by the way me mom dad shisui and sasuke go to cherry tree festival i want to come with us
Itachi: sure so this your plan to surprise me
Mia: and before we leave this envelope open that you will surprise
Itachi: o-okay
Mia: *thinking he will be surprise i'm pregnant*
Sasuke: * whispers mia-neesan you want to surprise right*
Mia: *whispers yeah be quiet*
Itachi: what is your whispers you two
Mia: nothing
Shisui: by the way i need to go i picked up my date
Mia: wow date what your dating but who
Shisui: you know her
Mia: dont tell me
Shsiui: she is
Mia: oh okay

Shisui left

Sasuke: so he is dating with my ex
Mia: dont worry you many girls

Itachi opened the envolope and he scream to happy and he hugged mia.And she gasped.

Itachi: mia why you not tell me you pregnant
Mia: you know already remember yesterday
Itachi: so its true you pregnant
Mia: you reveal for surprise for you
Itachi: so thats mean you want to surprise
Mia: yes

To Shisui

Shisui walked to sakura's apartment and he knocking the door.And ino opened the door.

Ino: hi shisui-san sakura your date is here
Sakura: i'm coming

Sakura came out and she shisui waiting for her.And he take sakura hands and leave.

Sakura: ino lets go
Ino: okay

ShisuSaku and Ino left

Back to Uchiha House

Mia: mom dad sasuke itachi lets go
Itachi: ok we ready
Mia: just i'm excited okay
Itachi: dont stress your self and our baby
Mia: okay

Behind the tree

???: she take away from me you will pay this bitch and she is pregnant

Back to Uchiha

Itachi: and mia
Mia: yes
Itachi: in cherry tree festival i have surprise for you
Mia: really thank you love we 2 years in relationship
Itachi: yeah lets go i know all people there is waiting for us
Mikoto: yes finally i have grandchild right dear
Fugaku: of course i'm so happy both of you itachi find just like you kind and beautiful just not like hsi ex you know her right
Mia: izumi right
Fugaku: she is jealous girl izumi and her parents is f*cking to my family and she is not perfect to my son she want money of my family i hate her for her sake my son she use my son and cheat on my son
Mia: oh lets go
Itachi: its true mia she cheat on me and after one month i met you because your friend is sakura
Mia: you really sweet itachi
Itachi: you too love you
Mia: love you too

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