Part 3 - Everything Changes

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The years had just flew by at this point, but not without heartache along the way. Kakashi lost his father the same year as you started the academy, making his demanour change into someone different from the boy you used to know. suddenly he was all about rules.. Rin and Obito ended up at the same team as him, under Minato sensei..  since you gradiuated late with Kurenai and Asuma you all were lucky enough to end up on the same team.

being able to complete the chunin exam some years later at the age of 13 made you happy. it didn’t take that long, like the academy did and no needs for retake it next year. the same night Kurenai and Asuma wanted to celebrate the rank up to chunin you all had been given. “soo BBQ?” Asuna looked at you and Kurenai. “well, to me it sounds like a good idea, what do you think Y/N?” You looked up at them and tilted your head. “what?”

“whats gotten into you lately? we asked if you joined the BBQ grill and you don’t even respond other than what?” Asuma crossed his arms over his chest and looked at you in disbelief. “I can’t help it, soo much has been going on today, I am exhausted” you whined making him soften his expression. “I see, at least try to stay somewhat in this world eh? It is our day to celebrate” He chuckled. “I promise” you started to walk with them.

It was a happy day indeed.. but when such big happenings came around you couldn’t help missing Obito and Rin.. It had been a while since it happened, but you could still not quite get over the whole ordeal, and how the rumours spread about Kakashi. You had known them for years now, first Obito a few years ago, and just a while ago Rin. you stopped as you stood outside the resturant. “lets go then” you smiled and took their hands as you found the booth you guys normally sit in during visits.

“soo, you all heard the news right?” Kurenai looked at both Asuma and you. “news?” you narrowed your brows as you turned a pice of steak on the grill. “yeah, I heard whisperings around town.. they think a war is coming up” you looked up at her, she looked worried, “a war? you sure you heard correctly?” they both nodded and looked down. “I think we should not damper the mood thinking about it” Asmua smiled.

After spending a few hours in the resturant you all parted ways. you looked up at the stars as you were in deep thoughts on the way home. “Y/N L/N, your presence is requsted at the hokages office” the voice drew you out of your thoughts, looking a head to meet the anbu mask. “at this hour?” it was a suprise. “I accept” you blinked as the anbu dissapeared in front og your eyes, making you blink twice and look around. “how?”

luckily it wasen’t long until you were at the hokage tower, knocking on the office door. it opened as you walked into the room, noticing the two anbu members. “Y/N you made it” lord 3rd smiled a bit as he looked your way, making you bow politely. the years living in the village had made you used to the culture. “ lord 3rd” you smiled. “Well, I think you wanna know why I called you here?” you nodded slowly. “yes sir, it is allready late”

“well, let me first congratulate you on beecoming a Chunin” you smiled wide “i promised I wouldn’t let you down” you giggled happily. being noticed by the hokage was huge, at least for you. “You do good, at least when you only have just 10% of your chackra” this made you look at him in confusion. “10%?” ... “yes, when you arrived in this demnsion you had a scroll with you.. do you remember?” during your confusion you din’t notice one of the smaller Anbu’s tense up for a secound.

“yeah, you took it until it was time to open” lord 3rd nodded. “What we are going to talk about can never be shared outside this room, It will be a secret between us, Minato, and Anbu” His face turned into a more serious expression as he started to smoke his pipe. “When you were sent here, something was sent with you..something not even I had forseen” he started slowly. “The scroll you had with you is a jutsu for a tailed beast” The anbu tensed again. “tailed beast?” you narrowed your brows. “yes, child.. no other than Kinei, the twelve tailed wolf of yin and yang”

For you this made no sence, or if it was supposed to be taken serious or not.”lord 3rd, what is a tailed beast?” you walked over to his desk. “A tailed beast is creatures with some of the strongest chakra that exists on earth. they are powerful.. thats all you need to know about them for now” the door opened making you turn. “Minato sensei, Kushina sama” you smiled as they approach the room, but the smile were not return with the same happiness. “Y/N” they smiled a bit before looking at lord 3rd. “It is ready, when she is”

the sudden change in the air made you become uncomfortable. “ready for what?” you looked between them. “To connect you with the rest of your chakra” Minato said softly. “follow Y/N down to the location, and make sure no one sees or follows” Minato looked over at the Anbu. “yes Lord 4th” they said before taking a hold of you. the smaller one put one of their finger up to their mask, looking like they told you to be quiet before it became black.

you could feel you were sat down at the concrete floor as they removed the scarf covering your eyes. “It is all set, guard her while we get ready for the Hokage” The tallest Anbu said the other one before leaving. you just shaked your head as you looked around the room and the mark you were sittig on.

your eyes glanced over at the Anbu, sending a shiver down your spine. you could not help to feel creeped put by the masks they wore.. it made them soo unhuman like. you noticed the mask turned your way, making your eyes widen a bit. “Hii..” you said akwardly, trying to break the tension as the mask just stared your way. you looked away, feeling intimidated by the expressionless mask.

It did not take long before Minato walked in with lord 3rd and some old people, giving you a gente smile. “Soo Y/N, you need to listen carefully” Minato kneeled down as he looked at you. “Whatever happends here is between us, that means you can not tell anyone about this or the tailed beasts..not even your friends” he had a sad look on his face. “You can’t even train with them for a little while” he added. “but Minato sensei... How am I gonna get stronger?” He just smiled as stood up. “we talk about that another time”

the old man and women walked forward, starting to draw symbols around the mark you sat on. your eyes followed them curiously as you din’t notice Minato placing the sroll down behind you. when the old people were done he walked up to you. “this will hurt a little, but you will be fine” he smiled, starting to make signs with his hand. “what will hurt?” with narrowed brows you tried to understand what was going on. the signs on the ground started to move as a faint purple light came from underneath, filling up the mark you was sitting on.

soo far you felt ok. as you looked up at Minato. you trusted him, he was Kakashi, Rin and Obito’s sensei and also hokage now like the old man 3rd. a sticking pain started in your chest, making your eyes go wide. it spread throught your veins, like someone had put you on fire from the inside, making you scream out. The pain grew more and more intensly as the time went on. you were not sure how long they had been going, but you couldsn’t keep yourself in a sitting position anymore as you fell onto the floor. your eyes catching a glimse of that dreadful mask in the corner of the room before your vision got blurry, and you fainted.

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