Im extremely apologetic

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Sooooo I'm taking PF down. :/ yea...

But only temporarily! I'm unpublishing it for a while bc I'm actually going to rewrite the whole thing and put a very exciting, totally new twist on the whole thing. Noa and harry will be the same only their characters, and others, will be vamped and have stronger personalities.

There will be a lot of changes though, I'm probably going to cut the first five chapters.. hope that's cool, but I was reading it and even though I don't think they're bad they just aren't me anymore. I've matured a great deal and I want this story to be as mature as I am now. So yea I might rewrite or cut some chapters bc I can and I want to, but I'll try to keep it like the original story you guys like reading. ^_^

I'm hoping to have this story back to normal before the summer and I hope that when I start to repost you all will reread, so you're not confused by the new changes. I really suggest you guys do or you might not get some things but it's up to you (:

Notice the bold print! It's very important that you do ;)

While PF is unpublished I will be putting up a filler story. Just so you guys aren't bored waiting for updates. So every time I post a chapter of my new story I plan on posting four revised chapters of PF and in no time we'll be up to date again and everyone will be happy with a great story once again!

I really hope you check out my new story and when I repost perfecting flaws you all will re read and maybe comment again? All my inline comments will be gone :( and I would love some support xD So thank you so much for everything, everyone, and I hope your not upset but I really have to do this.

If you have any questions feel free to ask.

And if I don't like it anymore I'm taking the story down all together okay baiiiiii

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 22, 2015 ⏰

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