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( hey readers , if anyone's reading, please please give me tips and your ideas I'm new to writing and I love your feedback! All I ask is be kind to one another. I will try to update every or every other night. I do play volleyball and have school so please be patient , welp here comes the story)

      You sit against a large rock. You could feel your skin hardening and your heart beat slowing. You were unaware of your surrounding , all you could here was the sound of your boyfriends/girlfriends voice ( in this it's Peter , but you can read it as whoever , I can also change it if so many people want me to) . He was pushing through the crowd, " Where is she, WHERE IS SHE TONY!" , he said with fear in his voice and eyes. You were starting to feel weaker , you knew this day would come. " P-p-Peter ", you said in a small voice, but you couldn't seem to move your legs. He and Tony spot you. Tony stays a back a bit, too shocked to move, Peter runs toward you. He kneels ( no not the proposal way , yet, I didn't say that,  so he could be see your face and you his) and says " No , please no" , he gently cups your face, " Please ,  I love you". You smile weakly " I love you too", you say as your body crumbles away to nothingness.

Sorry it's so depressing, Thanks for everything guys, by the way I may spell something wrong, sorry about that.
I will try to make the other ones longer.

See ya in the flip side, your author

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