I Know You Too Well

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Hello friends, I am giving a shoutout to Gracecrazy176  for being my first follower. It really made me happy seeing that one person followed.

I know I'm posting late at night but school and volleyball (and homework, ugh) take up a lot of time in my life. Plus I have a S.S (social studies) quiz tomorrow and I am not prepared since I missed a week of school (yay , more studying, sorry sometimes I'm too sarcastic). Anyways thanks to everyone for being there and it's time for my story now 🤗🥰😚😝...

Sam: 'Why is she like this?!', he thought as he paced across the room (Cause we are the best bitch). He was mad at you for making a video for goodbye, he was mad that you died, he was mad at you, (not me, thank god, there's no need for me to get another lecture by grandpa spangles), you left the avengers, and you weren't coming back this time. He stubbornly tapped the button that would make the video play. "Heeyyy Sam, I know by now that you are furious at me, and I'm sorry", you said in your all-knowing voice. Sam didn't cry yet, but he smiled sadly at seeing your face. 'Hi y/n' , he thought to himself. " I'm sorry that you had to go through pain , (why are we saying this again? They didn't die and crumble into the dirt, jk) but me dying was worth it to save everyone. And no I'm not trying to play hero card so don't start running your mouth", you had said jokingly. He snickered sweetly under his breath. " Just know this isn't good bye , it's I'll see you soon, well not soon you probably live till you are 100", you said carefully. "bye Sam", you had exited the vid right then. No, he whispered.

Spangles (cap) :
Btw, he's alive, as a grandpa still, he's just retired.
Steve was old, idk how old, but old. He just had had his coffee and heard his phone vibrate (yes I know I said computers but a computer doesn't vibrate). When he saw the picture on the background of the video, he saw you. He was annoyed, he already knew that this was from the past. He was annoyed because you hurt everyone when you died and he didn't like being mentally hurt. It caused too many memories to go through his head and too much sadness. He sighed and clicked play. You didn't know Steve was going to be old so you talked to him like he was still his young (you know what I mean, he not young young he's like over 90) self. "Hey Steve, we kinda need to talk. Just saying, capsicle", he smiled at your voice but sneered at "capsicle". "Anyways..., I'm sorry that I risked you guys getting hurt but we won and that's all that matters", you said softly. He was neither sad or happy, nor mad or depressed, just, neutral. "I'll miss you forever Steve, bye", you said as you had signed off. He let one tear fall down his cheek before wiping his eyes and trying to forget about your video.

Hey guys! I'm going to make a book called "I Was Always The Replacement". It's about when cap goes to return the stones and stays with Peggy. He might have forgotten about you. Asshole. Anyways, you go back in time some time after to see what actually happened.
Sorry for all my time conspiracies.
Sorry the chapter is crappy, I'm just super tired, and I will do the others tomorrow night.
I don't know when I'll start my new book because I will still update both but idk yet.
I never really edited this chapter, I kinda just went with what I thought, sorry bout that.


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