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Back in hell, during Blitz office, Loona was being lay on the couch as Blitz covered her up with a blanket and a pillow for her head to lay down, Moxie and Millie manage to heal up her wounds and were relief for Loona to be alive and okay, but still unconscious...

Blitz: How is she?

Moxie: She'll be fine, her wound aren't that bad at all, just that one in her neck, those bastards got her really bad.

Millie: But never mind that, she's fine now. She'll wake up any moment now.

Blitz: Well...that's a relief. Crap, I wonder if (YN) didn't end up hurting himself-

Suddenly, a portal appeared as (YN) appeared out from it and appeared...

Moxie/Millie: (YN)!

Mox and Mill rush to him and giving him a hug...

Moxie: We owe you a lot for helping us back there!

Millie: Thank you so much! I knew you come.

(YN): Heh, don't mention it guys...and Blitz.

Blitz: I'm relief as well, and I owee you big time to, so I'll keep that in mind...thanks (YN).

(YN): No probs, boss.

(YN) realizes to see Loona laying on the couch still unconscious as (YN) walks up to her, sits down aside her and touches her face gently...

(YN): ...She...She'll be okay, right??

Blitz: Yea, don't you worry, she'll wake up any moment, like Mill's said.

(YN): ...Okay, good.

Suddenly....a portal was summon out of nowhere as they all realize to see Stola with such a surprise to arrive...

Blitz: Stolas?? What are you doing here??

Stolas: I've sense that all of you happen to had a bit of trouble dealing with the humans in the real world, is one of you okay?!

Blitz: Y-Yeah, we of us isn't.

Stolas realizes seeing Loona on the couch unconscious...

Blitz: But don't worry, she's fine, so she'll wake up any moment now.

Stolas: Phew, that's a relief.

Blitz: B-But wait, how the hell did you know we were in the living world???

Stolas: I have my ways, Blitzo. And I am glad everyone of you are alright, especially my Blitzo~

Blitz: Mmmm!

Stolas: Alrighty, now tell me you the FUCK did you all get caught by humans?! Are you creatures not being careful up there?! You know, if YOU get in trouble, I get in trouble, and WE don't want that!

Moxie: They caught us off guard, your highness.

Millie: And we won't go back there again.

Blitz: Yeah, you could un-clench your bird puss Stolas, won't happen again.

Stolas: Good, cause I am NOT gonna have to deal with "Him"!

Blitz: Him??? Who's "Him"??

Stola: Well you see-

Suddenly...his attention somehow was caught by (YN)...

Stolas: Eh...I beg your pardon son, but...your face kinda has the similarities of someone I know, please, do tell me your name?

Helluva Boss Presents: Loona x Male Demon ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now