Chapter Twenty-One: A Trip

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(My pov)

Just another day of class, and of course Rin is late. I haven't talked to anyone ever since the incident. I have been dealing with the grief. Shura then came in and sat on the teachers desk. "I'm Shura Kirigakure, I'm 18, nice to meet ya!❤️ I've transferred here from Vatican headquarters. I've already been taking lessons with you for over two months! Let's see...magic circles and seals and swordsmanship? What a pain!" Shura complained. "um...Ms. Kirigakure?" Bon asked, "yes, Suguro?" Shura replied. I didn't want to hear them argue, even if they weren't, I have better things to think about like how am I going to fix my wing. What I didn't notice was that Rin was right next to me. "Doesn't Rin seem a little different?" Bon asked, "he does?" Kone questioned, "maybe something happened" Shima answered. "Now that we're all here, lets get started! Let's begin with a reading on geomancy in introductory Seal theory. Since you were late you can start, Okumura!" Shura suggested, "you got it!" Rin yelled. "Um 'geomancy as found in ancient'" Rin was having trouble reading the stupid crap. "Literature" Shura corrected. "Nope same as ever" Shima said, "my mistake" Bon sighed.

-Later that day- 

"It wasn't my fault" Amaimon proclaimed as his big brother showed him the headless Mephy Statue. "Then who did it?" Mephisto asked, "um, (y/n) did?" he blaimed,

-Later at night-

(My pov)

I was in my room laying on my bed listening to sad tunes when I heard Rin heading out. I sneaked out of my room and went to the kitchen. I grabbed a few snacks, placing them in my coats pocket, and went into my room but I went into Rin and Yukio's room by accident. "(Y/n)? what are you doing?" Yukio asked, "oh! um...I'm in the wrong room aren't I?" I stated. I was about to open the door when he asked, "what's wrong?" I stood silent for a moment, how do I answer? "Nothing, why?" I asked, "you're depressed, you didn't talk to anyone in school nor did you do your homework for any of your class" Yukio said. "I-" I was cut off by Yukio "(y/n) go see Mephisto, see if he can fix your wing." He handed me a key, "thanks Yukio" I thanked him as I gave him a hug. I put the key in the key hole of his door. I opened the door to see Mephy doing paper work. I took the key out and closed the door. "Can we talk?" I asked with a sincerity in my voice. 

(Mephisto's pov)

As I was doing paper work, someone came in. "I am fare to busy to talk so if it's an emergency go call 911" I said, annoyed at the student who came in. "This can only be fixed by a demon... and another thing" (Y/n) said, I could tell it was her. "Oh I'm sorry, I thought you were someone else" I explained while facing (Y/n). "What is it you need, my dear" I asked. She took off her coat and then the ring I gave her. Her wings appeared but the demon one was torn more than half way. I was shocked and enraged at whoever did this. "Who did this?" I questioned, my voice filled with anger. "A-Amaimon" she answered. How and why? "Alright my dear, please come sit down" I instructed while getting out a stool. She sat on the stool, her back facing me. I got out a vipers tooth needle and started to sow her wing together. I cut the tip of my finger and smeared some demon blood on the rip. I know this wont work, but its worth a shot. "There" I said as I finished up by making a knot. "Thank you so much!" she said as she got up. "you're welcome, any plans for the summer?" I asked, " well I have one more day of school and the summer is mine!" She said. "Well, bye mephy" she said while walking to the door. "Good night my angel demon Princess" I said as I wave goodbye, she then was gone. "Arggg I don't want to do this paper work!"

-Later in the morning-

(My pov)

The bell ranged and school was finally over. I walked down the stairs with Rin, having a small conversation. "Somehow I made it through the first semester" Rin thought out loud. "Okumura!" Kone yelled from behind us, making us turn around. "Hey (y/n)" Shima greeted, "what's up" I responded, "its our first time to meet outside of cram school" Kone said, "we're supposed to gather at true cross midway station" Bon explained. "Come with us, you too (y/n)" Kone suggested, "sure!" Rin yelled, "sure why not" I agreed. "It seems like most students go home for summer break" Kone said, "you guys are from Kyoto, right? Is it as refined as they say?" Rin asked, full of curiosity, "Its nothing special" Bon said. "Hey, you four idiots and (y/n)! Hurry or you'll be late!" Izumo yelled, "tch! She never shuts up!" Bon said. Once we are down all those stair we were greeted by Yukio. "Summer break starts today!" Yukio said with a smile. I spaced out when Yukio was explaining, so I walked over to the dude with the puppet. "Hello" I greeted, "who are you?" the puppet asked, "I'm (y/n), and you are?" I asked the pink bunny, the boy put the bunny down but still on his arm and he opened his mouth slowly and said "Nemu Takara" I guess that was his name. "You know, you're kinda cute" I admitted, he blushed a little and nodded as a thank you. Everyone got on the bus, except me. "You coming?" Yukio asked, waiting by the bus door. I nodded making my way up the steps, once I was on the bus I noticed there was an open seat next to Rin and Nemu. I decided to sit next to Nemu, "hey why are you sitting by puppet boy?" Rin asked, "because I can" I said, waving him off. "So, Nemu, why do you have a bunny on your arm?" I asked, he shrugged. "Do you wanna hear some music?" I asked, he nodded. I got my phone and some earbuds out and we listen to music all the way. Apparently he really likes rock music, who knew. 


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