A/N from Eerily

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Heyo everybody. Do to a lot of comments I've seen over the past few months I'm gonna leave this here. I just wanna let you all know this fic is very old now. I started writing it four years ago, and it's based loosely around a time in my life similar to Tweek's in this story. It was written from the point of view of a teenage girl who was going through a tough time, and that reflects through the fic in some sad and awful ways. The relationship between craig and tweek in this fanfiction isn't always a healthy one. There's manipulation from both sides, and there is (one) instance of somebody physically hurting someone else within the relationship. If this disturbs you I'm tellin' you not to read this. I still love this story with every beat of my heart, and a lot of people really love it, but it's not for everybody. So:

If you are not mature enough to handle things like sex, strong and vulgar language, or cheating partners than this story is not for you. If you can't handle the depiction of unhealthy or troubled relationships, this fic is not for you. Things get pretty intense as the story goes on. You should probably turn back and read something else in that case.

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