Them and Us; Part One

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Tweek's song of the day: Love by Daughter

If you haven't been listening to the songs of the day you are seriously missing out, bro. Shame on you.

"D-don't forget to feed her! Gah!" I demanded in fear. "A-and her favorite song is Twi-"

"Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star," Craig finished before the title slipped past my lips. "And she likes to hear it before bed. I know, Tweek."

I shivered a moment before looking down at the creature in my arms. Big, round eyes greeting me before I gave her cheek a loving stroke. I didn't want to hand her over. She was my baby, after all. Well, she was the both of our baby, but still.

By that time we'd been swapping her back and forward like a couple of divorcees. It was a ploy we'd invented to keep her safe, considering we'd found out only a couple days beforehand that she was the sole heir to the thrown of an alien nation. An alien nation with many enemies, might I add. Go figure something like that would fall into our little laps.

"How about you just come inside with me?" Craig suggested with a cock of his head. "It's not like your parents are waiting up for you or anything."

That was true. My parents definitely wouldn't be worried if I just happened to not notice the time. Besides, we left off on a rather intense chase scene, and I was more than eager to see how we'd get out of this one. I passed over the orphaned princess to his arms, trusting, but weary, before we both slipped into his living room and shut the door behind us.

"Do you want to go back to mars," Craig began as we made our way through the living room, "or do you want to leave the Milky Way?"

I pressed my finger against my chin in thought while trailing along behind him. "Lets go back to Bob's planet, we still need to find the queen..."

"Okay, but how will we get past the soldiers? They're everywhere."

We walked quietly through the living room as I searched my mind for an answer, but a sharp, loud noise broke off my concentration and left me startled. There was a loud ruckus resonating from somewhere inside the house, one that made us both stop a moment to figure out what it was. It sounded like there were elephants hidden somewhere nearby, 'cause I felt vibrations through the loose floorboards under the carpet. Yelling soon followed, though. Yelling that could definitely not have been made by an elephant, although Craig seemed completely oblivious to the muffled, yet frightening sounds. As we walked past the kitchen, the screaming became clearer. A woman and a man had been arguing back and forth. The voices were familiar to me, although the anger and gravel accompanying the ruckus made them sound so different I'd hardly recognized them.

"Uh-eh," I muttered in fear, clinging tightly to Craig's side as we walked right past the raging battle. I saw them in the kitchen. Some dark object soared across the room as Mr. Tucker ducked, the pan his wife had chucked just barely swiping across the top of his bright red hair before crashing against the cabinet behind him.

More yelling followed, Mrs. Tucker's finger pointing at her husband. "How many times have I told you to stay away from that whore?" She cried out, tears streaming down her face in a way I'd never seen before. Her makeup was gone, making her eyes look sunken and red from all the crying she'd been doing.

I didn't hear much else because Craig just kept on walking as if he'd heard nothing. It was like he didn't even notice the nuclear bombs going off in the very next room, as if the screaming was just so usual that it'd become nothing but background noise to him. I held fast to my unfeeling friend, fleeing from the defining sounds to the staircase that lead to his bedroom. We reached the very top of the steps, me still fastened to his side, when Craig came to a halt. The screaming still echoed through the living room, up the staircase, down the hall. I couldn't make out the words anymore, but that didn't make it any less gut-wrenching.

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