V) [!] ~ Danger; Diver

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Here's the story of how Kwazii broke his collarbone, which is mentioned in the First Story Arc when he's stuck recovering for a while. I hope that it makes sense!


!*!* This chapter contains possibly distressing content such as medical trauma, stressful situations, and other possible triggering themes. Please skip this chapter if you are not in the right mental space to handle such content. Take care of yourself please! *!*!

2:09 PM- Peso's POV:

Blood. There's always blood. It shouldn't bother me. I mean, I'm used to it. And yet, every time. My breath hitches. My heart aches. Then I snap out of it, and it's done with. Focus. Focus, but not just on the blood. What happened, where are the injuries, how bad are they. What needs to happen now, what needs to happen soon, what needs to happen later.

I was worried. I'd gotten a message from Kwazii saying 'Something happened, here's my coordinates, please come.' This couldn't be good. I'd left immediately, and found that instead of finding him drifting in the middle of the ocean, or crashed into a rock, or any number of other possibilities, he was on an island. An island made up mostly of rocky cliffs. Oh no. Wet footprints were scattered along a carved path in the rocks. I ran up the winding rocky path, hoping and praying that he wasn't down below. Please tell me he hadn't... he couldn't have. My heart was pounding as I skidded to a halt at the top. There was a small trail of blood on the stone, leading towards the edge. My breath hitched, and my anxiety skyrocketed. I sprinted to the edge towards a small dip in the rocky surface. I scanned the dark water, hoping with everything in my being he wasn't somewhere down there. But a flash of blonde-bleached hair inside of the small dip gave me a false sense of hope. Maybe he was okay, maybe he wasn't injured too badly, maybe, just maybe, he'd just gotten a bloody nose or something and was just waiting for someone to take him back home. But... no.

"Ay, por el amor de dioz..." I muttered under my breath.

There he was, in all his bloody glory. His right wrist out of place, a very, very large gash near his right ear, what looked to be a broken collarbone, and a deep wound to his abdomen. It almost looked like a stab wound from what I could tell based on the trails of blood streaming from it, but he had it mostly covered with his left arm. His breathing was slightly shallow and slightly slow. He seemed to at least be awake. That was a start.

"H-hey... matey..."

"Hi there. You wanna explain this one?" I asked as I gestured to the gruesome wound to his abdomen.

I gently moved his arm away and couldn't help but gasp at the sight. There was a piece of coral piercing his abdomen. I didn't want to dislodge it without an idea of what had been affected, so I left the coral piece alone. Instead, I wrapped a pressure pack around the gaping hole. He winced at the touch, then hissed through his teeth as I tightly secured the pressure pack. It was almost immediately soaked through with blood, so I added a second layer. This wasn't good.

"Heh... funny story..." His eyelids fluttered, and his breathing slowed down noticeably.


"I'm... tired... I'm jus'... gonna..." He gasped softly, then his eyes started to roll back.

"No no no stay awake. Don't go to sleep. I need you to swallow something, okay?"

"Why...? I'm tired..." He groaned, but he was obviously trying his best to keep his eyes open.

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