Chapter One

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The sun shone brightly from the blue sky, which was free of any fluffy white clouds

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The sun shone brightly from the blue sky, which was free of any fluffy white clouds. It was like any other day for seventh-year Rubina Black, perfect to create some mischief with the Weasley twins, for that reason she was to be found in the boys' dormitory. 

"Freddie, what is that?" she asked pointing at a golden necklace with a hourglass as its pendant, that was laying on his bed. Fred and George exchanged a look, before Fred answered his girlfriend.

"That there love, is Hermione's Time-Turner that we found." 

"Thought we'd hide it to annoy Hermione for a bit. She's been telling us off for the whole Skiving Snackboxes thing." George added.

Rubina scrunched her face in confusion. "Didn't she return this two years ago?" The twins shrugged. 

Rubina spoke with worry, "Maybe let's return it to her, it's not exactly a normal object, we don't want to create unnecessary problems." 

The twins only grinned but their smiles faltered, when Rubina made a move to grab the Time-Turner. Hastily, Fred wrapped an arm around her waist in an attempt to keep her out of reach, but the Time-Turner was in Rubina's clutches. 

"Rubi, give it back." 

The metamorphmagus merely shook her head.


"No Fred." She said firmly, but Fred grasped the necklace as well, and in all the commotion of tug of war, the Time-Turner slipped from the couple's hands, smashing on the floor. The three wore a look of shock as they glanced at one another, rooted to the spot, and a sudden alertness arose as dark smoke silently engulfed them. 

As fast as it came, the smoke vanished. 

"You don't think something happened, do you?" Rubina asked in a low voice.

"Well," taking in their surroundings Fred answered, "no."

Rubina sighed in relief. "Well, come on, we're going to be late for breakfast, which means less time in Hogsmeade and we have to pull a prank before leaving."

"Alright love." Fred said with a chuckle, as he interlaced his hand with hers, while George made gagging noises, on their way down. 

"You're just jealous Georgie that you don't have anyone." said Rubina, earning an eye roll from George.

Entering the Great Hall, unfamiliar faces greeted them. Brows knitted together, Rubina turned towards the other two.

"Doesn't something seem off? I mean, don't people look different?" 

They nodded, confusion in their eyes and Rubina felt a bit panicked, thinking back to the Time-Turner. "You don't think the Time-Turner has anything to do with this?" 

"I don't know." George responded with uncertainty.

Rubina's eyes landed on the Gryffindor table, searching, until she spotted a boy with raven hair. Touching Fred's shoulder, she said, "There's Harry, maybe we're overthinking it." 

Nodding, the three headed towards Potter. Rubina tapped his shoulder, making the boy turn. 

"Har-" Rubina's voice died in her throat as her grey eyes locked with hazel ones. 

Harry doesn't have hazel eyes. 

"What can I do for you?" the boy with glasses asked with a smirk, before it slid off his face as he studied her. "Are you new? I've never seen you lot before." 

Rubina glanced at Fred and George, who both reflected her shock. Turning back, she opened and closed her mouth several times before finding her voice. 

"What's your name?" she asked slowly, fearing the answer. 

"My name is James Potter." 



So I really wanted to try something Marauders era related and I had this idea so i went for it, because I can't write a prequel for Rubina's story before it's finished. I did make Rubina in the same year as Fred and George, so that they all can be in the same year as the Marauders. 

This won't be a long story, most likely finished in 10-15 chapters. 

Hope you enjoy it! :)

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