Tale 2

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Tale 2
Primrose Grace

"There's a new bakery across the street."

"I know, and their pastries are just as good as the Lady Boss'."

"You've already tried their products? And wait, Lady Boss' cakes and sweets are the best! How could you say that they're on the same level!"

"But it's true! I know that over the last four years, Miss Primrose has won over our hearts with coffee and cakes, and everyone acknowledges her as the Lady Boss. Several cafes have opened and tried to imitate her products but they all failed. But this time, that new bakery across the street is going to be her biggest competitor!"

"Stop with your nonsense. No one could ever compete with the Lady Boss!"

"The owner of the new bakery is a very handsome bachelor who recently moved in town."

"H-handsome? Why didn't you say sooner? Come on, let's go see his face-ehem, I mean let's go try his pastries!"

Primrose, who's manning the counter of her cafe, watched as the two women left her shop.

It's been like this ever since that new bakery across the street opened for business.

Most of her customers are women who loves sweets.

But because of the rumour that the owner of the new bakery is very handsome, her sales started to decline.

But she just shrugged it off.

Well, that's life.

Business is business afterall.

"Boss, why don't we introduce a new cake or a new beverage? I'm sure everyone will come running back here when we do?" Alondra, one of her staffs, suggested.

"She's right Boss! That Tarimasu Cake that you made for the Little Bosses the other day is very delicious! Why don't we add it on the menu?" Madeline, her other staff, added.

Well, Primrose used to help out on her Aunt's cafe back on Earth so she knew the right blends and so, she introduced them to this world. She's also a good baker so she decided to open her own Cafe in this small-town.

"It's actually called Tiramisu. That is the twins favourite so it's exclusively for them." Primrose declined the suggestion.

"Mommy, did you just said Tiramisu? Are we having that for snack today?" a little boy asked excitedly

"R-r-really, Mommy? T-there's tiramisu t-today?" a very timid boy also asked with shinning eyes

Primrose looked at the two children who just entered the cafe, "Nikola, Niclaud, you're early today. Is your classes already over?"

The twins are four years olds. They are attending a nearby kindergarten.

And yes, they're her children.

"Teacher allowed us to go home early because we did a good job today! Niclaud and I beat up our classmates and sent them home crying!" Nikola answered proudly

Primrose's lips twitch. What good job? The twins were obviously sent home early because they beat up their classmates! Who did they inherited that thuggish attitude? It couldn't be from her because she hates such tiring stuffs.

Seeing the dissatisfied look on their mother's face, Nikola suddenly said in defence, "But we really did a good job! They were teasing us for not having a daddy! And they said that we're not twins because we don't look alike!"

The two are fraternal twins. Nikola have silver hair and blue eyes, he's like the carbon copy of Primrose. While Niclaud have red hair and hazel eyes, he does not resemble Primrose or Nikola at all. And because the twins doesn't look identical, most of their classmates doesn't even believe that they were twins. They would often tease that Niclaud is just adopted.

The two would often get into fights.

Upon seeing the bruise on Nikola's cheeks, Primrose asked calmly, "You sent home your classmates crying?"

"Yes." Nikola answered proudly

Niklaud is afraid that Nikola would get scolded.

"So you won?" Primrose

"Of course." Nikola answered with pride

"As long as you win, then it's fine." Primrose dismissed

"........" Niklaud

Mommy, are you so fed up with the fact that we always get into fights so you just don't care anymore?

"Are you really not mad, M-mommy?" Niclaud asked nervously

Primrose shook her head.

"Boys, always remember that you have to be the bigger person. But that doesn't mean that you'll just let others to hurt or abused your kindness, you have to learn to stand up for yourself too. Never let them hurt you two." Primrose

"Yes Mommy!" Nikola

"O-okay, Mommy." Niclaud

"Good, now go wash your hands. I'll get your favorite cake." Primrose

"Yey! Tiramisu Cake!" Nikola said excitedly as he dragged his twin brother to the kitchen sink.

Alondra and Madeline watched as the two cute little rabbits wash their hands. They even stood on a stool just so they can reach the sink.

"Boss, your kids are really so cute!" Alondra

"No, they're adorable!" Madeline

"Someday, I hope my kids will be just as cute as the twins." Alondra said dreamily

"You don't even have a boyfriend. How are you going to have kids?" Madeline

"I don't need a man to be happy. I aspire to be just like Lady Boss! She's a strong, independent woman!" Alondra declared

"I agree." Madeline nod in agreement

"Get back to work." Primrose interrupted

"Yes Boss!" the two said in unison and Alondra started to mop the floor while Madeline busied herself with cleaning the tables. They were both laughing as they continue to watch the twins while working at the same time.

Primrose prepared the cakes for the twins. She can't help but stare outside the glass windows.

Across the street is the new bakery.

And she can't help but feel uneasy.

Primrose is not an immature kid anymore.

Although she's still lazy and laid back, the time she spent in this world changed her.

She knew that the timeline of the novel [Tea and Roses] is near.

And she's afraid that the mistake she made that night many years ago, will entangle her fate with a certain someone.

The most dangerous one.

The novel's villain, the Crown prince Titus Saros.

And he's just across the street.

On that blasted new bakery.


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