-- 5 --

Isis and Michael were walking along a lit-up pathway through the Neverland Ranch at night. They were wearing a red sequined plunge blouse, black skinny jeans, and cork wedges. Michael wore a black fedora, brown turtleneck sweater, black trousers, and loafers. He smiled at Isis as they looked at the amusement rides glow, fascinated.

"I've seen the ranch before, but at night it's beautiful." Isis admitted in amazement. "To have the money to emulate an amusement park is riveting. With all of the money in the world, you decided to create this?"

Michael didn't like their insinuation. "My money doesn't go only towards the things that I desire. I donate a great deal of it to charity. I help send black children off to college, help people feed their families, and try to help get people out of poverty. "

"Really? What drives you to help others?"

"Having so much money while others suffer is unsettling. If I can ease someone's suffering by providing them with what they need, then I'll happily do it. Money isn't that important to me. As long as I can continue to work on my art, then all is fine."

"And that art is?"

"Oh, boy, it's a lot to list. Besides the obvious, I write, draw, and play a few instruments."

Isis saw a small garden and stopped in their tracks, enthralled. "This is such a beautiful garden. I love purple orchards."

"I'll have to send you a bouquet then." He said with a smile.

"You do not let up, Michael." They shook their head. "The answer is no."

"What does it take? Jewelry? Clothes? A trip? I can take you anywhere."

They laughed. "A trip isn't going to cut it."

"Jamaica? France? Italy? Spain?" Michael continued to guess with a charming smile. "Tell me if I'm getting warmer. Cuba, Mexico, Egypt?"

"Funny you mentioned Egypt. That's where I'm from."

Michael's face brightened. "That's right. Isis Hathor. Isis, Egyptian goddess and mother of Horus. Hathor, Egyptian goddess and feminine counterpart of the sun god Ra. How had I not realized this before?"

Isis was impressed. "You read up on ancient Egyptian religion?"

"Oh, I read up on everything. I did a short film not too long ago for a song on Dangerous that's based in ancient Egypt. It's a predominantly black cast. I have a huge fascination with Tutankhamun."

"I find that so fascinating. Ancient Egyptians are often depicted by white people, so for you to depict them as black is admirable. Everyone's fascinated with Tutankhamun. A lot of people don't know his father is most likely Nefertiti's husband, Akhenaten. Akhenaten also his mother's brother."

"Oh, wow! I wouldn't have guessed he'd be the product of incest. This is yet reason we should go on that date. You have so much to teach me."

"When hell freezes over." They said, rolling their eyes. "Alright, so you mentioned that you grew out of the box the world put you in and they showed distaste because you weren't the small boy they fell in love with. What coping mechanisms did you use to deal with this challenging time?"

Michael looked at the flowers in deep thought. Truth is, he did nothing. He took it as it came without giving himself a safe place to escape to.

"I didn't use anything to cope. Everyone picked on me and I endured it because I was in show business. I couldn't lash out. I didn't have time to do anything to take my mind off of it. I had music, but that only helped so much. I believe that still affects me to this day because I handled it poorly."

Isis' heart softened. "I'm sorry to hear."

He looked at them. "How did you cope with your kidnapping?"

Again, Michael was unapologetically intrusive. They shook their head with a light laugh.

"God, you don't get enough, do you? If I have a phobia of people touching me then what does that tell you?"

"You tell me." He replied, intrigued. "I'm all ears."

"It has been twenty nine years and I have not seek out therapy or a psychiatrist. I haven't spoken to anyone about it besides you. Not even my family. I never coped with it."

Michael's eyebrows scrunched in disbelief. "What is special about me?"

"Who's to say you're special? That God complex is at work."

"Oh?" He chuckled. "Isis, you can't shield yourself now. I've seen inside of you."

Isis looked at him, offended. "And you appear to be satisfied with that. Do you often find pleasure in learning about people's inner most secrets?"

"No, just you." Michael said with a smile. "I find you interesting, Isis. Before I met you, I was unaware of non binaries. It motivated me to learn more so I can be an ally to the LGBTQ+ community."

Isis was surprised. "Really? Let's talk about that, then. Why is being an ally to the LGBTQ+ community important to you?"

"In the Bible, there is a verse of that says thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself. It's important for us to love others as much as we love ourselves like God wants us to."

"Why is faith important to you?"

"Why not?" Michael quickly responded.

"Not everyone trusts faith."

Michael nodded. "That applies to you, doesn't it? Do you believe that God allowed you to be abducted? Is that why you don't trust it?"

"You are out of line."

"Aren't I always?"

"Most certainly." They commented in distaste. "Yes, I do believe he is responsible. He watched what happened and didn't intervene. I will never let the anger I have for Him go. I'm an atheist now. I refuse to believe in it."

"Is it easier for you to force yourself to not believe in God rather than work on your relationship with Him?"


Michael nodded. "Alright, next question?"

Isis was surprised he chose to move from the subject. Typically, he digs deeper into them. Losing your faith is not easy to handle and he knew that from personal experience. Many times, he questioned his faith. Nothing else needed to be said. He heard enough to understand.

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