The Beginning and the End

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"I told you to stay out of my way!" A girl said pushing me against the lockers harshly. This girl was just one of the many of people at this hellhole of a school that bully and push me around.

"My locker is in this hallway, you know that, Kaitlyn." Kaitlyn is the worse of them all. She punches me, steals my clothes, throws my books down the hall, and anything else she can possibly think of to make my life hell.

"Use someone else's, oh wait I forgot, you don't have any friends." She sneers while laughing. I just stare at her. I've learned to just let her do whatever shes going to do and keep quiet or it'll be longer and worse.

"Whats the matter? Cat got your tongue?" That was a boy walking by. I don't know who he was, but that doesn't mean anything here. Literally everyone bullies me. They all follow their ring leader Kaitlyn.

When I still don't say anything, the boy walked away and Kaityln punched me in the stomach. "Your always fun to mess with, Jill." I fell to the floor and she started to walk away.

"Don't call me that!" I yell after her. I hate being called that. The one person who I thought was my friend called me that. Now that she ditched me and I found out she was only my friend because of a dare, I couldn't stand to be called that. That dare also become the start of my hellish life. It all went downhill from there.

That girl happened to be Rosaline. Rosaline is Kaitlyn's BFF. At some party she was dared to become a nobody's friend and make them known to the school and then ditch them. throughout the months following the party she did just that, I was a nobody who wanted to be noticed and she became my friend, we were really close. But then she completely stopped talking to me out of no where.

I found out after few days at school what happened. I was mad. How could someone do that? I thought it was horrible. Turns what came next was worse.

That's when the bullying started. People would laugh at what I went through and it slowly turned into everyone making fun of me. And now its to the point where people push me out of their way, they punch me because "I'm in their way and wont move" or just because they were bored.

The teachers here don't care. Some even laugh along with them. My parents don't believe me. They say people would never do those kind of things, and even if they did teachers would handle it.

I just want to go back to being a nobody, but its too late for that. I just have to deal with it.

I was brought out of my thoughts by the bell telling me I was late to class. It's definitely not a first. It actually happens a lot. Someone will hurt me one way or another, most likely Kaitlyn, and i'll either stay where I'm at till class starts or I go to the bathroom to clean up the mess they made of me.

This time I was in too much pain too move. It had never hurt this bad. What had she done differently? I just laid on the floor for a while until I could move.

It took a little over 5 minutes till I could at least sit up and another 10 for me to get up and walk.

I started to walk to class and then stopped. I was angry. Everyone listens to Kaitlyn and do this too me. I get hurt on daily basis, mentally and physically. I was fed up with it. I did nothing to deserve this. I never did anything to any one. I couldn't keep living with getting the shit beat out of me or told that I'm "ugly," "fat," "a whore," or anything else like that. I was done. No more walking all over Jillian. They are going to get what they deserve. The teachers too.

I turned around and walked in the opposite direction to Kaitlyn's class. I slammed the door open, stomping right into the middle of the room. Everyone's eyes were on me. Shock was evident in everyone's eyes, especially Kaitlyn and the teacher, whose name I never cared to learn.

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