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Art cover made by: Shmekdoesstuff on Twitter!

I wanted to say that this an AU, and n everything here is canon. And there may be opinions you may not like (AKA me being a huge Tommy and Techno apologist lol.).

Tommy's POV

I stare at the blue sky sitting on the bench me and Tubbo used to sit at almost everyday. Usually Tubbo would be here, but hes hanging put with Ranboo as he usually does. I mean I dont quite blame him.. Ranboo is alright, and he makes Tubbo happy. And me... I just annoy him or make him do bad decisions. I'm not a very good friend.

I get out of my thoughts and begin walking down the prime path, it's so peaceful walking down the prime path. I walk past the now completely blown up L'Manburg. I still couldnt beleive Techno, my own brother would do that to something I cared so much about. Well, I suppose I did kind of betray me, be he betrayed me aswell! He tricked me into thinking I wanted violence, and destruction of the place I used to call home. I feel bad for betraying him, and I want to appologize but i feel like he would never forgive me. While in my thoughts I bump into Wilbur... Wilbur, I hate him. I think.. I'm so confused on how I feel about him. I'm supposed to hate him, arent I?


I look up at Wilbur shouting at me.

"Sorry, Wilbur. I zoned out there."

"Whatever. Watch where you're going g next time will ya." He said in a cold tone.

I nod before walking away from him carrying on my journey on the prime path. I hum to the music disc Mellohi in my head, one of my favourite discs. Though this time I'm trying my best to stay out of my thoughts and just enjoy my surroundings.

I sigh, before returning to my small humble abode. It's quite a mess, but it kind of suits it. I sit down in my bed bored, 'what am I supposed to do, I cant hang with Tubbo because hes with Ranboo... I dont want to see Wilbur... Techno and Phil dont want to see me... And Everyone else appears to be offline.' Well, I guess I could play with Shorud for a bit it seems like he needs a but of company. I smile to myself, happy I finally have some company in my house and I'm not so alone anymore. I get up from my bed and go to Shrouds room, it's not too small but not too big either, it has stome brick walls and spruce floor and ceiling. There are pictures hung up on the wall of Shroud and me and a few toys spread around the room, and finally theres a bed in the corner of the room where Shroud was sat with two of his toys. He notices me and runs up to me to give a big hug. I hug him back tightly before pulling away.

"Do you want to play?" I ask with a huge smile plastered on my face.

"Yeah! Thank you Papa!" Shroud says cheering.

I grab a toy from the ground and begin play with him. After a couple hours of playing with Shroud I hear a knock at my front door. I hear Shroud make a complaining sound knowing I have to go answer it.

"I'll be back in a bit, Shroud." I said giving him a kiss on the head before leaving his room.

I walk up to the front door and open it to be met with Ranboo.

"Hey, Tommy. Micheal wanted to play with Shroud, is that alright with you?"

"Of course it is, Big Man! Shroud was getting bored of playing with me anyways." I say in a joking manner making him laugh a little.

I lead Micheal to Shroud's room and let them hang out whilst I talked with Ranboo.

"So did you do anything exciting with Tubbo today?"

"No not really, we pretty much just watched a few movies with Micheal, and Tubbo ended falling asleep." Ranboo answered

"That's cool. Are you and Tubbo doing alright?" I asked

"Yeah were good, just vibing really." Ranboo said laughing a little at the end of his sentence.

We continued to talk laughing every now and then until Micheal and Shroud came out of the room they were playing in with a piece a paper in both their hands. Micheal gave his paper to Ranboo and Shroud gave his to me. I look down at the paper and see a drawing of me and Shroud in a feild of purple flowers I assumed were alliums, my favourite flower. I smiled happily at the beautiful but messy drawing and gave Shroud a hug before thanking him for the drawing telling him how much I loved it, as Ranboo did the same in his own way.

I got up and look around in my chests for some tape, I finally found it in the third chest I looked in and grabbed it. I put the drawing on the wall and taped it in place. I looked to Shroud and saw his eyes sparkle in happiness. I smile to myself seeing him this happy over me hanging his drawing up.

Ranboo tells Micheal they need to get going because it was begging to get late. We said our goodbyes and parted ways. I pick the tired Shroud up, carrying him to his bedroom. I open the bedroom door and walk over to his bed, placing him in it before tucking him in.

"Goodnight Shroud, See you in the morning." I kiss him on the head and walk out of the room closing the light behind me and leaving a small crack in the door.

I yawn and walk to my bedroom, laying down into my bed getting comfy. Falling asleep almost instantly due to the long day I had.


Thank you for reading this, I hope you like it! I personally love to think that Tommy and Shroud have a great relationship so I hope you like it too haha.

Word count: 1032.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 01, 2021 ⏰

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