~Chapter 1~

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Where am I? Is this another vision?

Jayfeather opened his eyes, dark light filled the cave he was in. Walls of rock surrounded him, and he suddenly knew where he was. I am in The Tribe of Rushing Water's cave!

He looked around, taking in his surroundings. Cats, with all types of pelts, padded through the cave minding their own business. Strange yet familiar scents licked at his scent glands. I should know these cats!

A pelt as white as the snow that dotted the rigged mountain tops caught Jayfeather's eye. His heart lurched. It was Half Moon! He let out a low growl. You are a medicine cat, and this cat is an ancient cat you can't bring her back with you!

He was hoping Half Moon wouldn't notice him. She turned to face him her emerald, green eyes turned wider than the moon. She rushed over to him, her sweet scent flooding over him.

"Jay's Wing!" she cried. "It's been so long where have you been?"

"Er..." he struggled to make up an excuse. "I have been out hunting."

Half Moon looked doubtful. "Are you sure that's an awfully long time to be out hunting."

"I was," he snapped and instantly regretted it. Her eyes dulled and she looked wounded and upset.

"I see then," Half Moon meowed.

"Half Moon who are you talking to?" a voice called. Jayfeather looked past Half Moon to see Broken Shadows. He felt sorry for the mother who had lost his son in the tunnels.

"It's Jay's Wing!" she called back.

"What?" Broken Shadow hissed and stormed over to them, her tail lashing furiously, and her fur fluffed up.

"You," she snarled her hot breath flushed his face making him step back. "You made me leave my son behind!"

"Enough," Stone Song mewed firmly as he padded over to join them. Now cats' eyes were on him and whispering spread amongst the cats. Jayfeather angled his ears forwards so he could hear what they had to say.

"Jay's Wing I thought he disappeared?"

"What is he doing here?"

"How dare he show up like that and not even tell us!"

"Greetings Jay's Wing," Stone Song said with a dip of his head. He looked into Jayfeather's eyes, his blue eyes betraying no emotion. I wonder what he thinks. That I am a fool and a liar. If I was in his position, I would.

"Why were you out hunting for so long?" Broken Shadows asked her voice accusing and her amber eyes furious pools.

"I got lost," Jayfeather growled.

"Sure, you did," Broken Shadows snapped unsheathing her claws and digging them into the hard black stone.

"I said enough," Stone Song mewed firmly though the tip of his tail twitched.

"It doesn't matter how long it took for him to get back he is here now!" Half Moon meowed.

Half Moon pressed her warm snowy white pelt against Jayfeather's. Her sweet scent wreathed around him, and he felt his heart lurch once again, he never wanted to leave Half Moon's side again. I can't feel like this! I want to go home!

He knew it wasn't true, he never wanted to leave not ever again. This is where he belonged, as Jay's Wing. Cold eyes pierced Jayfeather's back he turned to find Rock staring at him his huge sightless eyes staring at him. Jayfeather shivered. Sometimes I feel like he really can see me even though he is blind.

"Don't get too attached," Rock rasped. "You don't belong here."

I know! Jayfeather thought angrily. So why did you bring me here!?

"So, you can see into the past," Rock replied.

The disgusting old cat disappeared in a whisp of smoke.

"Jay's Wing?" Half Moon said her voice full of concern. "What's wrong?"

Jayfeather snapped his attention back to Half Moon. "Nothing," he mumbled.

Half Moon didn't look convinced. "If there, is you can tell me," She whispered in his ear.

"I know," he muttered.

"I think you need rest," Half Moon meowed. "You look tired."

Jayfeather padded over to one of the dents into the floor, which was filled with long brown feathers and dark green moss. He slid into the nest and sighed contently. Half Moon lay beside him her warm fur comforting him.

"Good night Jay's Wing," she whispered sweetly. "I don't know what I'd do if you left me again."

I don't think I have a choice, he thought sadly. Sooner or later Rock would strip Half Moon away from him. I will try to stay but I can't promise anything.

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