~Chapter 4~

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Jayfeather slowly blinked opened his eye, his vision blurred. Something felt different, odd. Warmth wasn't wrapped around him like a blanket. A soothing scent didn't wreath around him and make him feel whole.

Half Moon is missing!

The thought struck him like a forked bolt of lightning. Jayfeather's eyes hungrily tore apart the cave in search for Half Moon. Jayfeather frowned. He couldn't spot her snowy white pelt anywhere.

Where is she? Did she leave the cave?

Jayfeather rose to his paws and arched his back in a stretch.

Maybe another cat knows where Half Moon ran off to.

Jayfeather spotted Stone Song sitting alone, laying down with his paws splayed out in front of him like a lion would. Jayfeather casually padded over to him trying to fight the panic that swam inside him.

Half Moon wouldn't leave me unless she had a really good reason.

Jayfeather drew in deep breaths as he battled the panic. As Jayfeather approached Stone Song the panic that surged inside him grew.

"Stone Song," Jayfeather mewed. Stone Song lifted his head his blue eyes studied Jayfeather.

"What's wrong?" Stone Song asked softly clearly noticing Jayfeather's panic-stricken eyes.

"Half Moon," Jayfeather chocked out his mouth dry. "She is missing. Have you seen her?"

Stone Song pricked his ears with surprise. "Now that I think of it, I haven't seen her at all this morning."

When did she go missing? Oh, I hope she is all right!

"We have to find her," Jayfeather mewed desperately.

I can't lose the cat that means everything to me!

"She ran away because of you," Rising Moon snarled marching over to Jayfeather. She thrust her muzzle in his face. "She finally realised how much of a horrible, rotten cat you are!"

"I am not horrible or rotten," Jayfeather hissed. "Besides why would Half Moon run away from me she loves me, and I love her!"

"Are sure she loves you," Rising Moon growled. "You left her and hurt her."

Jayfeather's heart dropped to the cave floor. His mind swirled.

This whole time has she been lying about her feelings. Does she not love me anymore? I didn't mean to hurt her! It wasn't my fault Rock took me back to my own time!

"I told you," A voice hissed softly.

Rock! Just the cat I want to hear right now!

"You two weren't meant to be," Rock growled. "You belong in separate times. Your love was never meant to flourish."

Jayfeather sighed internally.

Maybe Rock is right, and our love was never meant to be.

"It doesn't matter why she is missing we must find her," Stone Song announced rising to his paws.

"Who is missing?" Owl Feather asked gathering her kits.

"Half Moon," Stone Song replied. Owl Feather's eyes widened with shock. "What?"

Chasing Clouds darted over to them. "My Half Moon is missing?" His eyes were wide blue pools of distress.

"We must find her," Owl Feather meowed.

"Yeah, we like playing with Half Moon," one of Owl Feather's kits chirped. Her striped tabby pelt was as brown as mud.

"We'll find her," Jayfeather promised although a stone of worry sat in the pit of his stomach.

Would they really find her? What if something terrible had happened to her?

I must believe she is ok. Oh, StarClan let her be ok!

"Let's send out a search party," Stone Song meowed. "Chasing Clouds, Broken Shadow, Jagged Lightning, Furled Bracken, come with me to find Half Moon."

"Please let me go too," Jayfeather pleaded desperately.

Stone Song blinked at him. "Are you sure you want to go. What if we find. . ." he trailed off there was no need for him to finish.

Jayfeather stared at his paws. I don't want to find her injured or worse dead but at least I'll know I found her.

Jayfeather stared at Stone Song his eyes brimming with determination. "I want to go. I love Half Moon more than anything I need to know if she is ok."

Stone Song dipped his head. "Very well. Let's set out then."

Stone Song padded off the chosen cats following close behind. Jayfeather stared at the pounding cascaded of water, his mind in a different place.

I must find her and reassure her I love her more than anything. I must tell her the truth; she needs to know that I am not Jay's Wing but Jayfeather a cat from the distant future. 

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