A Portal to Another World

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It's next day and Chef Pee Pee already waking up, looking grumpy.

Chef Pee Pee: *Yawn* Oh man, another worst day for me.

He went downstairs and saw Marvin calling out someone.

Marvin: Jeffy! Jeffy! Where are you?

Chef Pee Pee: Hey Marvin, what's wrong?

Marvin: I can't find Jeffy anywhere! Jeffy! *Sigh* Jeffy!

Chef Pee Pee: Wait, can I find him too?

Marvin: Sure, go ahead.

Chef Pee Pee: Alright, I'm gonna go outside to check if he's there.

House, Outside:

Brooklyn Guy was taking a mail out, it's a letter.

Brooklyn Guy: Hm, what does it say this time... "Zero is destroying our world, SEND HELP!!! - The SMG4 Universe". Is this some kind of joke? Ugh. (Note: He along with other SML characters aren't aware that multiverse exist.)

Chef Pee Pee: Jeffy! Jeffy! Come out right now! Where did you go, you little brat.

Brooklyn Guy: Hey, Chef Pee Pee. What are you doing?

Chef Pee Pee: I'm trying to find Jeffy! He's nowhere to be seen!

Brooklyn Guy: Can I have the cops investigated?

Chef Pee Pee: Of course! Sir! I need the information!

During Police Investigation

Brooklyn Guy: So sir, when was the last time you see Jeffy?

Marvin: Last night, I put Jeffy to sleep by telling a story that he should listened. But then the next morning, he's gone!

Brooklyn Guy: Ok...wait....did you tell that robot legend story to your son?! Dude, have you heard the rumor? A portal will opened up because you told your son the legend!

Chef Pee Pee: A-a portal?! Wait, it-it can't be real, right?

Junior: Hey Chef Pee Pee!

Chef Pee Pee: What do you want, Junior?!

Junior: Um I saw some strange magic outside of our house.

Brooklyn Guy: Wait, could it be the portal?!

Marvin: Oh no...Jeffy must have entered that portal! I need to find that portal!

Brooklyn Guy: Wait sir! Don't!

Chef Pee Pee: I'm coming too!

Chef Pee Pee and Brooklyn Guy chased after Marvin through the entrance door.

House, Outside, near portal:

Marvin: Don't worry, Jeffy! Daddy's gonna save you!

Brooklyn Guy: Wait, stop! You're not supposed to go in! It's too dangerous!

Marvin: What if something's bad happened to him?!

Brooklyn Guy: No worry, I'm gonna find him.

Chef Pee Pee: *Gasp* I want go to!

Brooklyn Guy: What dude! You can't!

Chef Pee Pee: Look, I don't care if I can't do this. But I always risk my life saving Junior and the other brats!

Brooklyn Guy: Ok fine, you can join with me. Anyway, be careful what's in there.

Chef Pee Pee: *Deep Breath* Ok, here I go.

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