Thirty Four

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You know in life, when everything stops making sense? Time moves slow. The hours pass by like a blur. You see everything, you hear everything, but you become so numb to it all. Your body moves on autopilot. You just become so so...


Its been two days since I last learnt of the news, of who my real parents are.

Two whole days of knowing that my whole life was a damn lie. Where I am from, who I really am, all of it was based on a lie. A lie that my- that Nadia hid from me. A woman I called mother my whole life, was anything but.

Everything that I thought was true, was nothing but a lie. My whole life was taken away from me, and yet, I still don't know why.

I have all these questions, but I cant seem to find the right words to ask. There's only one person who knows the answers, but I know she will never tell me the real truth.


I have never felt betrayal like the way I do now. She took everything away from me.

Then there's Kael. The man I fell inlove with, without even realizing it. I thought he knew me better than anyone else. I opened up to him, told him everything. I gave myself to him in more ways than one. And yet, in that meeting, he broke what was left of my already broken heart.

I understood his men were angry, God, I would be too. I wasn't hurt by any of the words that they said, only what Kael said. I felt his eyes on me before he spoke his next words.

I sat there and listened to everyone call Sirens such harsh words, and I took it, because I understood their pain.

But, hearing Kael say those things? It felt like he was saying it to me. That hurt more than anything.

After Cory's death, Kael had been very distant. He avoided me like the damn plague! It was as if, I was the one who killed Cory.

He knew who I was. He knew what I was, and still had the audacity to say those words in front of me like I wasn't there.

It could've been though. Right? I mean, I am a siren after all.

I heard his conversation between him and Dimitri, I left as soon as my heart couldn't it take any it anymore. They didn't know that I was there.

''Those vile soulless creatures,'' he called us.

I cant change who I am, but he should know that I am not anything like them. Somehow I felt like I was being attacked in that meeting. After Kael's speech, I couldn't take it anymore. So when no one was paying attention I left. I hoped Kael would come after me, but he didn't. That's when it hit me. Kael was directing those words to me as well. Like he was warning me.

I am tired of feeling so helpless. So clueless. I needed to know the truth.

The whole truth. There was only one person that I could trust. Something within me was pulling me towards her. I don't know where she could even be. I as I begin to search on every floor, a servant stops me in the middle of the hallway.

"Luna!" He yells catching me off guard. I turn around and I am met by a young boy running towards me with something in his hand. As he nears I see it is a letter.

"I apologize my Luna," he bows breathing hard. I look at him confused waiting for him to get up. When he does, he hands me a letter. "Her majesty, the Queen Nadia asked me to deliver this to you." I stare at the letter held out before me. It took me a second to take the letter from his hand. I stare at it, I see my name written in Nadia's handwriting.

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