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chapter three: dishevelled hair

[imagine dragons - shots]


I did not remember when it started or how it did but one thing for sure was that it wasn't a gradual thing. It began with him shouting and then throwing empty glass bottles at my mother. I was left scared s.hitless, hiding behind my mother unable to do a thing. Since I was twelve, I understood what it meant to fight back against Matt. Fighting against my drunk step-father meant cuts and bruises makeup can't hide. Fighting him meant using all of my emotional strength to go against him since I obviously lacked in physical strength. I hated it. I hated this life. I want to get out of here so bad. I want to run away.

At midnight, I shut the front door quietly behind me so I could sit on the stairs to watch the night sky. What I had not expected to see was Kyle sitting on the stairs smoking a cigarette. Again. I was about to turn away and return to the horrible confines of my home when he said audibly, "Alexis! Come sit,"

I sighed and turned round, not really that eager to sit next to him but I did anyways because I was scared he would awaken my parents. I brought myself a cup of my favourite drink - black coffee and cupped it in between my hands for warmth. He pursed his lips and exhaled.

"So, what happened?" He asked, head tilted to face mine.

"N-nothing happened. What are you talking about?" I answered, cursing myself for stuttering and hoping in all good God that he hadn't heard it.

"Yeah, of course because everybody comes out at twelve midnight to drink a cup of coffee on the stairs," He quipped, his words thick with sarcasm.

I sighed. "You know the typical family problems. Fighting between parents."

He inhaled and I took this chance to take a good look at him. His hair was disheveled and his t-shirt was torn at the sleeves. I don't know but is he going for the grunge look? He looks slightly attractive in this whole get up to be honest. [a/n: lol who is she kidding he is a sex bomb]

He laughed, a deep resonating sound from the bottom of his belly. "Thanks, and yes I am going for the slightly grunge look to look slightly attractive to girls who drink coffee at midnight,"

I blushed a shade of crimson. "I didn't mean to say that out loud you know,"

"Of course but compliment accepted. Plus ten points to depleting ego and self-esteem," He smiled and crushed the cigarette under his sneakers as he got up.

Kyle offered his hand to me. "Coming?"

I furrowed my eyebrows and tilted my head in confusion. "Where? You could be a serial killer for all I know,"

His blue eyes pierced mine. "Just trust me okay?"

I nodded, placed my cup of cold coffee on the stairs and let myself be taken away by this crazy boy I barely know.

[a/n: please vote/comment if you liked it, it means a lot]

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