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chapter ten: solitudinous speeches

[british india - suddenly]


"I saw my parents okay? And if I- if I get seen with a boy," I bit my lip trying to hold in the memories that I didn't want to remember at the moment. I closed my eyes and took a deep breath.

"He'll hit me. He'll hit my mother. He'll call me a s.lut and a w.hore and all the horrible words you can imagine,"

Before I knew it, Kyle's arms wrapped around me and pulled me closer to him, I was almost on his lap.

"W-what are you doing?" Tears were running down my face.

"Hugs are the best kind of pain relief," He answered, sending vibrations up my body. His thumb slid across my cheek and swiped at the salty tears.

I let myself fall into him, my body wholly held by him. My head rested into the crook of his shoulder and somehow we ended up on the floor. My body was tangled up with his, my front facing him. He was stroking my hair when the doorbell rang. He pressed a soft kiss against my forehead.

"Pizza," He disentangled himself and got up. It felt so much colder without his touch.

Am I falling for him?

But you can't, he'll leave you when you need him the most.

But I've told him so much and he actually cares.

No he doesn't, he just wants to get into your pants.

"F.uck you," I whispered under my breath.

Kyle emerged from downstairs with two boxes of pizza and a bottle of cherry soda. "I didn't know what you like so-"

"That's fine," I interrupted him.

He smiled and put down one box in front of me. "And pizza is served. Enjoy mademoiselle. Bon appetit,"

He lifted a slice into the air and took a large bite afterwards. I giggled and took a bite from my own.

"So good," I moaned loudly.

Kyle nearly choked on his pizza. I rolled my eyes and laughed. "Perv," I said as I took a sip of cherry soda.

He cleared his throat. "It's not pervy if I'm attracted to you,"

It was my turn to choke on my cherry soda. "W-what did you say?"

"Nothing!" Kyle's cheeks were flushed red and he stuffed a pizza into his mouth so he didn't need to talk.

We continued eating in awkward silence that no one wanted to break. I was pretty d.amn sure I was sweating as much as a guilty person awaiting their sentence.

Once we finished eating, it was half past seven and I helped to clear up the boxes. "No I got it," Kyle said as he awkwardly tried to get the boxes from my hand without physically touching me.

"I got it, I basically owe you a s.hitload," I said and he backed off. I walked downstairs into the kitchen and to the metal bin. Done with throwing away the boxes, I wandered into another room filled with pictures of this lady who looked exactly like Kyle.

I gasped as I looked at his father.

Mr. Sherman? Kyle's father is my boss?

Kyle's full name is Kyle Sherman?

I quickly got out of there like I had just learnt a dirty secret. I actually did. How could I fall for my boss's son? It's an unprofessional relationship and the rest of my colleagues would think that I'm an a.ss kisser.

"Kyle? I'm home!" Mr. Sherman's voice boomed from the front door and I heard keys jangling.

Holy f.uckballs. I'm so screwed.


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