Pipe bomb (cm punk)

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Hi guys i just want to tell you in this story i did not use the wwe wreaslers real ages.

Chpter 1 first day

Kits pov

Hey guys i think i should tell you a little about my self. My name is kit. I am 19. I have black hair and blue eyes. Im about 5'6 and i have pale skin. Oh ya and im a wreasler. I have been since i was 15. And today is a very very big day today i have been offered a job at wwe. yeeeeeee im soo happy. Oh ya and i live alone in chicago. Okay so let get on with the day

I woke up to the sound of my alarm clock. I swear who ever invented those things is crule. But today nothing can ruin my mood. Im going to wwe bitches. I started to do my happy dance which is the running man the wave and the robot. I go to my closet and pick out my clothes. I grabe my black skinny jeans. A black tank top what says "warning bitch" and my rad convers. Then i grabed my ring gear which in a 2 piece that has red and black strips and the butt says kit and my ring shoes which are just black. Once i happy with what im wearing i go to the mirror and quikly brush my hair and put it in a pony tail. I go downstairs and grab and apple. Get my car keys and go. I have a red jeep my baby. And now im off to my new job yee.

Cm punks pov

Hmm there suppost to be a new diva today. I dont really care as long as she gives me respect. I have been champion over 1 year now i deserves it. "Hey punk",i hear kelly kelly say. 

"Hey kell hows it",i ask her see i dont mind kelly shes a good friend. "Im really happy there a new diva today her name is kit i think",she tells me. "Hmm kit thats a wierd name",i tell her. "Yea i guess well bye i got to go",she tells me walking off. "Bye",i tell her. Just as i turn around im greeted by the one and only paul hayman. "Are you ready for tonight", he asks me. "Yea i know im gonna win",i tell him. See tonight i have a match with John Cena. "Okay you better",he tells me walkin off.

Kits pov.  

I pull up to the parking lot and i hop out of the car. "Here we go",i say to myself. Once i enter the building i see people everywhere. I start to look for Booker T, but i cant find him. I start to walk around. I wasnt paying attention and i walk in to someone. "Oh im so sorry",i say before i look up. Once i do im not sorry cuz i see none other that cm punk. "Wait never mind i take it back", i tell him in a sassy voice. "What did you just say",he says, "wait who are you?",he asks me. "Im none of you bussnise",i tell him man i hate him. He wants respect then tells people their nothing just because hes champion. Nobody gives a shit. "Do you know who i am",he tells me starting to get ticked off. "Yes your an asswhole of a champion and your name is cm punk",i tell him. "What the hell did you just say",he asks me coming alittle closer. "Oh you heard me",i say walking towards him. "Punk punk punk well i never thought you could stup so low",i hear someone say. I look to my left an see its john cena. Well this is gonna be good. "Pickin on a diva are we",he says pointing to me. "Hello there im john cena", he says shaking my hand. "Im kit in new",i tell him. "Well i have to go and get ready",i tell them. "Bye asshole bye john",i tell them waving.

Cm punk pov 

Woow that girl is annoying. But i couldnt help but want to keep fighting with her. She the only diva ive met that wont run from me or isnt scared to speak her mind. And damn is she pretty those eyes. "Cm punk",i hear john cena say. "A diva really",he says shaking his head. "She started it and whats it to you",i tell him. "Well how bout you pick on someone your own size",he tells me. "Oh i will be in our match later",i say that while waalking away. God i hate him. Hmm i wonder if kit has a match tonight. I bet she dose. I hope she wins. Wait why am i thinking of her she disrespected me. Ugh im gonna go call her out. I tell the sound guy to play my song. I hear it and walk out. I hear boos but mostly cheers cuz were in my hometown. "Well earlier i got disrespected by someone. But this wasnt a superstare it was a diva. And i wouldnt like a sorry i demand a sorry. Cuz i am your wwe champion and i deserve respect. So kit come out here now",i finish. I wait a couple minutes and just before i say something i hear i rawr like tiger.i then see kit oh yay.

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