Our time is now

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Chapter 20 our time is now

Kits pov

( monday night raw)

Right now im on my way to the ring with randy and cena because cody,Damien Sandow and dolph have called us out. "Hey guys look for once im not the only girl in the right cody is here to",i say into the mike. The cowd laughs and so does john and randy. "So what did yall want",i say. "SILENCE",damien says. "We have all agreed that you guys and your shunanagens have to be stoped",he says. "How do you expect to do that",i hear randy say. I can practicly hear his thoughs and i can tell so does cena. "Well we were going to sit down and solve this like normal humans",damien say. I put on a sinister smile. "But damien havent you noticed we are far from normal",i say. "Yes we have noticed you are all freaks",i hear dolph say. I turn to dolph. I smile. He looks scared. "Oh dolph havent you learned yet that you dont mess with me and my friends",i say. He starts to back away. Just then bookers music comes on. "Hold up hold up",he says. "Befor anything happens i want to do something, tonigh as out main event it well be a 6 man tag team match cody damien and dolph vs randy, john and KIT",he says. Me randy and cena all look at each other a smile then smile at the other three. I laugh they look like their about to piss them selves. I lung forward and they all fall out of the ring. I laugh. This will be fun.

Once me randy and cena get to the back we go to cenas lockeroom. "So you guys ready",i say with a smile. "Heck yeah okay i have a plan you guys want to know it",cena says. "Um yeah",i say. "Okay well since randy and cody hate each other everytime he gets in the ring we tag randy, the everytime dolph is in the rin we tag kit the damien ill take",cena says. Me and randy look at each other and nod. "Awesome",i say. Just then the door opens and josh comes in. "Hey guys can i ask you some question", josh says. We all nod. "So tonight for the main event you guys will be in a 6 man tag team match,vs cody, dolph, and damien, how do you guys feel",he asks. "Well josh i dont think we could be happier we are all gonna work together and beat the crap out of them",cena say. "Dolph called you guys freak hiw do you take that",josh asks. "Hey we know we are weird i mean look at us but you dont call us freaks",randy say. I nod. "Kit how are you gonna play a role in this",josh ask. "Josh she might be a girl but we have all seen that she can beat any superstars butt, she has already beaten dolph so kit were gonna treat like a superstar",john says. I smile. I give him a side hug. "Kit we have a question from @ilovebacon6716, "are you and any superstar dating, if not who would you date",josh says. "Um well no im not dating a superstar at the moment or anyone and if i have to chose i would say, um well thats hard because im friend with like everyone",i say. "Im just gonna say the superstars that i find cutest are these big guys right",i say pointing to cena and randy. They both smile. "And the cutest diva has to be kit",randy says. John nods. "Thank you guys for your time",josh says and walks away. "So we,re cute are we",randy say. "Oh yeah your freaking fabios",i say with a laugh.

(2 hours later)

We tell them man to hit our song that we chose if we ever do tag team which is, 'In the end', by black veil brides. I jump on cenas back and we run up to the ring. I get in there and were all stand on the rope and the crowd cheers like crazy. Dolph cody and damien are already in the ring. And they look mad. I smirk at them. First damien gets in so cena gets in. The lock up and start to fight. After about 5 minuts damien tags cody so cena tags randy. "COME ON RANDY!", i scream. The after 10 minuts cody tags dolph and randy tags me. I see dolph smirk. I cant tell he thinks hes going to win. I laugh. I lock up with him and kick him in the gut. He runs in to the corner. As i run forward he moves and i run into it. Yeah it hurts. He then grabs me hair and throws me to the ground. He trys to pin me but i get out at 1. I jump um just as his back is turned. I jump on his back and put the sleeper on him. Just then brocks music comes on. I dont pay attention to him and comtinue to beat the crap out of dolph. I get im in the ground. I go up to the rope. I put my claws up and jump i land right on dolphs stomach. I can hear the breath come out of him. I pin him 1.2..he pulls out. He stand up but is wabbly. I set him up on the rope like randy does. And smile and randy and cena they are cheering me on. I pull dolph down like randy. Then i start to get mad. He stands up and i hit him with an 5 knuckle shuffle i throw him um and in mide air hit him with and RKO. I pin him 1,2,3. And the bell rings. I turn to look at the randy and cena they look shocked. The run over to me and hug me. "How the heck did you do that",randy ask. I just laugh. I turn to brock and blow him a kiss. And mouth 'this will be you'. He just smiles and walks away.


Im not sure if i like this chapter or not hmmm what about you. Yea or na idk.

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