What happend?

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Chapter 22 what happend?

Kits pov

Punk starts to lean in. HOLY CRAPPY DAP HIS GOING TO KISS ME. Just then the door opens. Punks eyes open and he steps back. I look up to a very pissed looking randy. I look down and i can tell im a very bright red. "Bye punk",i say walking inside. "KIT",i hear john say. I turn around and see him. "Yeah",i ask. "Where were you?",he asks. "She was makeing out with punk",i hear randy say. I turn around. "I WAS NOT",i say turning red. "Then explain what was happing out there",randy says. "I dont really know okay he was droping me off cuz we went out to eat but we didnt kiss okay nothing happend",i tell them. "So you didnt kiss punk",i hear john say. "No i didnt kiss punk",i tell him. Once i say that he looks reliefed. "Okay good our little kitty is still innocent", cena says. I hear randy laugh. "Kit innocent your funny",randy says. I hit him. "Hey im a freaking angel",i say. They both start to laugh. "Ughh im gonna go to bed",i say walking away. "You know i love you kitty",i hear randy say. "I know",i scream back laughing. Once i get into my room i change. Then i hear my phone go off. I look and see that is punk. 'Hey sorry about tonight umm i hope things are gonna be ok', it reads. I smile. I text back, 'its okay i explained to the guys that it was nothing and nothing happend'. He texts back, 'yeah nothing right well nigh :)'. Just then i hear a knock on the door. I look up and see its cena. "Hey kit",i says. "Hey what up?",i ask. "Um i just wanted to make sure that nothing is going on between you and punk",he asks while rubbing the back of his neck. "No john nothing happend okay im still punk free...for now",i say and smile. "Kit whats that suppost to mean",he says. "Oh you know one thin can lead to another",i say. He jumps on me. "NEVER kit you are mine and randys forever",he says. I laugh. "You way a ton get off me",i squill out. "Nahh im really confy",i says. "JOHN",i say. He rolls over to me side and lays down. He raps his arms around me wast. "Come on kit lets sleep",he says. I turn around and put my head in his chest and just like that i fell asleep. In johns nice comfy arms.


Tuda more john and kit at this point i dont know who im gonna put her with. Hmmm who do you think,

Team john

Team randy

Team punk

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