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"Hey," said Anakin as he walked into the refreshers with Wolffe. "Anything?"

"No," said Ahsoka.

"Strange. Any ideas?"


"Okay. In that case, let me see what I can do to help."


Rex needed to get out of there. He slowly opened his eyes again and made sure no one was there—though it was dark so he could hardly see three centimeters in front of him—before sitting up and trying to find out what was holding him down. If there were cameras that was too bad, but if there were cameras no one would've came to check if he was conscious. He realized it was only ropes tying him to the seat and smirked to himself. Amateurs.

He wiggled his foot in his boot and felt the small blade in its sheath that he had stuck in his sock. It was dark, so he couldn't tell what the chair was made of, but it wasn't anything too hard to break. Rex's ankles were tied to the legs of the chair, so it would hard to get any momentum to break it. However, maybe he could try to slip his foot out of the hold and he could easily get out then.

It took a while, but eventually he managed to get his foot free, and his shoe came off in the process so that was one step checked off. Now he just needed to get the blade out of his sock. Well this'll be fun.


Now free of the ropes and out of the chair, Rex was slowly making his was through the pitch black to see if he could find a way out. He went the way he thought the one guy came from, but how did they see? Because of the lack of vision, all his other senses were heightened, so that helped. But it would be better if he had light. Of course whoever captured him took his glow rods but not his knife.

Rex felt something catch his ankle and he gasped when he ended up tripping, falling flat onto his face. He groaned slightly and stood up, rubbing his nose and trying to find what had tripped him. He the remembered he had no time to become a detective and stood up.

This is stu—

Lights instantly turned on and he squinted as his eyes adjusted. Rex looked around saw he was in some sort of large cavernous tunnel. However this one had lights built and planted into the wall, brightening up the place.

He sighed when four human males came up to him, only about two of them had weapons. Great. Just great...

"You're not supposed to be out here," said the one with a cybernetic eye.

"I know," said Rex. "Could you point me towards the exit?"

"Back the way you came."

"Mmm, no. I was just there—"

"Enough games," snapped a guy with a vibroblade in his hand. But about a second after, the blade went flying towards Rex's face.

Rex inhaled sharply and leapt out of the way. Well he's jumpy... It wasn't long until someone came up behind him and wrapped their arm around his throat, trying to suffocate him.

Rex dug his fingernails into the guy's arm and slammed the back of his head into the man's nose. The man released him and Rex's instincts  and training took over before he knew it.


"And you're sure there's no secret bunker or something near here," said Anakin to Ahsoka.

"Yeah," she replied.

"Wrong," came a voice. They looked over and saw Fox walk into the room. "There's a place underneath this building."

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