Hi again / Forms / Examples of covers

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Hey, peeps. It's me again. Let's get to it then.

Ooh, that rhymed.

Anyway, here is the form you need to fill in by commenting at the end:



Short description:


Special colours / pictures / elements you want:

Comment here---------------------->

Just because I'm nice, I'm going to read a chapter of your book and maybe even vote for it. Also, I like making covers for books that have a clear plot. That way, it's easier for me to put the right elements on the cover.

If I accept your cover request, you should expect it in a week or less.

Here are examples of covers I have made before:

Here are examples of covers I have made before:

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(A book I'm soon to write ;) )

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(A book I'm soon to write ;) )

(A book I'm soon to write ;) )

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(Another book I'm soon to write)

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(Another book I'm soon to write)

(Another book I'm soon to write)

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(ANOTHER book I'm yet to write)

CoolIceStone13 I made a lil' something for your amazing book :)

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CoolIceStone13 I made a lil' something for your amazing book :)

So, as y'all can see, my main speciality is YA (young adult / teen fiction), but I still happily accept other genres that are, of course, acceptable.

Please comment which cover is the most eye-catching one, and please tell me which title you saw most interesting.

Now that you (hopefully) have a reason to request a cover from me, note that if I reply to your form with 'accept', you must wait for a week. If I don't give you a cover in a week, then I'm delaying. Please come to my PM's and complain and be as rude as you want. I'll deserve it :(

And before y'all ask, I don't put my name on your covers and say 'cover by Cigaress yadda yadda'. I myself don't really like that (no offense to the people who do).

If you have any questions about literally anything, feel free to ask. Even if you have a question about how to wear your pants, I'll always be there for you.

Seriously. I'll always be there. I have no life, HA.

Until next time, stay safe.

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