Chapter 4

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Kane looked at me, his expression quickly turning from one of confusion to an expression I had seen in him many times before; calculation.

Slowly, he withdrew his knife, bringing it out further and further, looking at me as he did so, as if indicating me to do the same.

Instead, I looked right back at him, giving a slight shake of my head to show my thoughts on the situation. After all, if somebody wanted to break into the apartment and kill us, knocking on the door and offering a handshake wasn't exactly the best way to do it, plus we were sent here to spy, not kill. In fact, we had been given strict orders not to kill.

Ugh...maybe I should have allowed Kane to kill him, he would have been expelled from the creed and I could have been head sooner.

Shaking my head from my intrusive thoughts I peered over the ledge obstructing me from Cullen's view, to see him giving Kane a small bag of colourful chocolates, and Kane smiling in delight and gratitude, playing the perfect little orphan boy. Well that was a first, and while it did pain me to admit, his smile really suited him. Too bad it was fake.

But more importantly, this meant, that either Cullen didn't know about us and who we were or that he was assessing the situation. Either way, if a move was to be made it would be by tonight and we would need to be on full alert.

I looked over the ledge again to see Kane give another one of his fake lopsided grins, hand at the door. A door that was clicked shut the moment Cullen turned his head away. Leaning back into the uncomfortable headboard, I did my best to be comfortable and display the utmost nonchalance at what had just happened; there was no way Kane would share his thoughts on Cullen freely if he knew I wanted them.

Scowling, he made his way over to where I lay, his frame towering over the bed, and scowled angrily. I smiled sweetly up at him, feeling quite happy with his annoyance and even batting my eyelashes for good measure.

'So, what did you think about him?' I asked picking at my nails

'About who?'

'Who do you think I'm talking about?' I sighed irritably, God, why was he always being so difficult


Immediately I sat up straight, my bored pretence breaking as I let my anger get the better of me, why did he not take anything seriously?

'I, Am Talking About Cullen' I gritted out, 'you know, the one we were sent on a mission to spy on!'

'Ohhh yeah I remember him, I don't think I recall him saying much about himself, but he seemed like a decent bloke, even....'

'KANE,' I almost growled in frustration, 'if you aren't going to be helpful don't talk.'

Kane scoffed, turned around rigidly and made his way to the shelf where he had put the chocolates and picked them up. I eyed him suspiciously, hoping he would forget that they could be poisoned and eat one. Instead, he took a single chocolate wrapped in red, shimmery foil and gently placed it in his palm, walking over to the backpack and taking out a dish,vial and pipette. Of course. Of course Kane didn't eat chocolates, he just destroyed them to check for poison.

Kane placed the chocolate on the dish and placed a drop of the liquid, that turned the chocolate a greyish green.

'Are you going to test the rest of them?' I asked
'No, why would I do that?'
'Cause, he could have poisoned all the other chocolates.'
'Well, it's a good thing I don't like chocolates then.'
'You don't like chocolates!' What was I saying, of course he didn't like chocolates. He was Kane!
'No, they're too sweet, I hate them actually.'
I looked at him, mouth hanging slightly ajar, ' Well, that's beside the point, if we find out if he has poisoned any then we will know that he knows about us and it will mean we are more prepared to predict his next move.'

Kane have a mutter of annoyance, 'It would take forever to go through all of them,'
'Good. You can do that while I take a nap.' I replied, taking the blanket and draping it over me, 'Wake me up when you feel tired, so I can take watch for the night.'

Kane scowled, grumbling under his breath, before he  got up and turned away to retrieve the bag of chocolates, while I nestled my head further into the pillow, letting sleep take me.

I'm going to start updating this book again regularly, hopefully weekly! Sorry for the short chapter 💗

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