Chapter 6: I Can't Remember

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**Hello. I am very behind with the writing-
I wanted to stay ahead with planing out the story but- y'know school just loves to smack you with tons of homework...
‼️Trigger Warning: Gore‼️**

POV: Sapnap

I entered. It felt weird when I entered the office. I felt as if I shouldn't be there. Something was telling me to leave.

I walked into the office with at least 5 guards. I stood there in confusion. Alex, or better known as Quackity, came in from the back room of the office.
"Good evening, Sapnap."
"Good evening."
He walked towards Schlatts desk and put some papers down. He walked past me. He mouthed the words, "Good luck". I heard the door shut behind him.

I didn't know what he meant by that but I didn't like it. Did I do something wrong-? Schlatt came through from the back room. He stood still for a moment looking at me. He wasn't happy nor was he mad.

"Hello. Are the reports done-?" His voice was calm but cold at the same time. I only shook my head. "We are almost done. We wanted to do some more tests but, I do want to ask you if we can."
"Hmmm.... I guess you can. But... I do want those reports soon." He narrowed his eyes towards me and then to the door. Signaling me to leave.

I turned to leave but I was blocked by a guard. Before I knew it, I felt a sharp pain in my neck. "Well actually Dr. Armstrong, I don't think you will be doing anymore tests for a little while." Everything slowly faded to black.

~Time Skip~
~4 hours later~

I woke up in my bed. Nothing felt weird but, my head felt a little fuzzy.
Someone knocked on my door. I sat up, "You can come in."
George came in, "Do you plan to sleep the day away-? We have reports to finish." I looked up at the shorter man and rolled my eyes. He had a thing for being quite rude when it comes to work."Whatever. How the hell did I end up here-?" George stood in silence for a moment,"... I'm not too sure. The only thing that I know is that you 'passed out' in Schlatts office." There was a still silence that hung over the room making chills shoot up my spine.

"Well. I think it's time you get up. Schlatt won't shush about the reports." George turned and left my room, closing the door. I guess I didn't realize that my clothing had been changed. To be honest, I didn't want to know who had changed my clothes.

I got up and surfed through my closet. Finding a clean lab coat and outfit, I quickly got changed.

My phone buzzed,

Hey, I forgot to tell you. You're clipboard is on the table. Make sure to bring it.

Alright. Thanks.

I put my phone into my lab coats pocket and left my room. I grabbed my keys and my clipboard and headed for the lab.

"Hey, Sapnap-!" I heard a familiar voice from behind me. I turned around and realized who it was....
I stood in shock. The alarms went off with a loud siren filling my eardrums.
"Uh-oh." Dream picked me up bridal style and darted for the lab. What. The. Hell. Is. Happening.

We reached the doors and Dream took my badge and scanned it. I knew Dream was incredibly skilled but damn. How did he even get out-?

He walked into the lab where George was freaking out. He saw us and went dead silent. The alarms were still going off and guards headed straight to the lab. Dream teleported us into his containment. I felt sick and dizzy.
"Sorry about that. I didn't mean to take you with me. I kinda for got you where in my arms. You feel as heavy as a feather." Dream stated as he pulled me over his head.

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