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(Sorry for the time skip but i feel as i the class time would be repetitive and boring so i just jumped all the way to lunch)

I got a panini , some salad and a brownie for lunch and sat down next to Elle and Millie. We all started laughing and talking we decided that tonight we would all have a sleep over, after my detention of course.

"Omg Bryce  is so cute" Elle says whilst staring at the black haired boy who is waiting for his lunch in the queue. "What do you mean?!,he's a total idiot!"i say almost shouting. "Yeah but he's good-looking"she laughed. "I guess"i said shrugging whilst Millie just stuffed her face with her burger.

"Weirdos at 2 o'clock"Millie whispered as i turned around to see Noah ,Bryce, Jacob , Louis and Miles walking towards us "omg haven't they annoyed us enough" Elle sighed. I huffed and pretended not to notice them walking to us.

"Hey guys" louis  said taking a seat next to Millie
"Hey..."we all groaned. I see Noah about to sit next to me so i try to pick up my bag and put it beside me but it was to late he already invited himself next to me and Miles took a seat next to Bryce .i sighed and began to awkwardly eat my panini as the others talked,i guess Elle and Mills didn't hate the guys as much as i did but then again i do hold a grudge.

                               Noahs pov :
I see y/n sigh and continue eating,i wonder what's bothering her.

"Hey y/n are you okay?"i ask her in a concerned tone "no Noah I'm not okay,i have a detention on my first day of school all because of your immature ass"she rambled on and on. "God okay sorry for caring"i say as i get up from the table and walk away with my food,i guess I'm gonna go eat outside today.

                                   Y/n's pov:
Ugh I'm such an idiot for lashing out at Noah it was my fault too i was arguing with them in the first place i need to say sorry to him. "Helloooo? Y/n"Bryce called to me. "Huh" i answer "i said where did noah go"he stated to me "uhm he went to go get some fresh air" i smiled towards the boy "is he okay" louis asked his British accent peaking through "oh yeah ,i'll go check on him thought" i say picking up my panini and going outside.

I have to find Noah.

                                Noahs pov:
I sat down underneath the bleachers and ate my burger i came here when i wanted to chill or be left alone,maybe y/n will never want to be my friend after all she really thinks I'm a jerk.

A moment later i hear a sweet familiar voice call my name "NOAH!" she shouts getting closer to the bleachers. "NOAH!" She shout as she begins to sit on the bleachers and sigh, "i really shouldn't of lashed out at him he's not even THAT bad" she told herself

"Yeah you really shouldn't of done that" i called to her from under the bleachers. She jumped up quickly "what the hell noah!"she shouted as i laughed at her. "What are you doing under there?"Her tone confused and concerned. "I come here to chill"i reply

A few moments later I convinced her to come underneath the bleachers with me

Y/n's pov:
I sit down next to Noah,it was silent but a comfortable silence.

"So"we both started which led Noah to let out a small chuckle. "You where looking for me?" He asked looking right into my eyes, Noah had nice eyes like they are really pretty and sparkly,i mean he's mostly definitely not bad looking but he's definitely a jerk i hate people who act one way around you and a different when they're with their friends. "Uh yeah i was...I'm sorry for lashing out at you,I didn't mean to it's just that my parents are gonna be so mad they expect so much from me and I'm really really sorry it's not your fault it's-" i was cut off by being pulled into a hug,lord this boy is a very touchy person.

I relaxed into the hug and hugged him back,he soon let go and gave me a sweet smile i returned the gesture "you have a really nice smile"he told me "oh!,thanks"i replied maybe he's not too bad.

We where just staring at each other,he's quite cute actually but that stays between me and myself. Noah started to lean in

Noah's pov:
She's so beautiful I couldn't stay mad at her, I started to lean in and she put her hand on my face "not in a million years Jupe!"she protested. I let out a small laugh.

Y/n's pov:
He let out a small laugh, "Y/N" Mille and Elle called to me. "Well i better go"he said,getting up and dusting himself and i did the same. He pulled me closer to him "maybe one day"he whispered giving me a little smile before jogging away "see ya!" He shouted.

"Yeah.."i replied in shock, wow... that happened a pink dust coated my cheeks as i stood there.

"Y/N!"i heard Elle call. Snapping me out of my trance and back into reality. I came out from underneath the bleachers. "Hey!"i called to them. "Where were you?!"Mille questioned. "Uh i was talking to Noah"i replied "oh" Elle a small smile plastered on her face , "well this is our friend sadie" elle smiled gesturing to a pretty red-haired girl. "Hey" i smiled towards her "hey ,your soooo beautiful" she smiled to me causing me to blush. "We where wondering if sadie could come to the sleepover" millie said with a hopeful smile . "Of course" i smiled .

We spoke for the rest of lunch until we had to leave to attend our last two lessons of the day.

Author's comments:
Another chapter done 😁 i never knew noah was so flirty 🤨 i hope you all have a lovely day/night/evening bye!

Word count : 1059 words :

From - Julia

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