chapter two

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I wake up to the sun barely shining through my black curtains and I shield my face from the little amount of sun.
I grab my phone to see 3:56 pm. I've had a messed up sleep schedule for a while now and I can't seem to get off it. I groan when I see a bunch of missed messages from Alex. Can he not spam me? I'll open them later. I get up and walk to my bathroom. I sigh when I see how much of a mess my hair is. That'll be hard to untangle.

After finally brushing through my knots and doing my morning routine I sit down in my gaming chair and open the texts from Alex.

Can you stream with me today?

There's no way your still asleep.

Wake up


I am not a bitch so don't ever call me that again. I had the chance to end the family bloodline but no. I thought 'if I'm not so bad, he won't be either, right?' no. You're a demon from hell.

But, yeah. I can stream<3

Yeah.... Let's just pretend that you didn't death threat me.......

Get on discord and join my call.

I laugh at the texts and turn on my PC, drumming my fingers on the desk while it loads. When it turns on I press the discord icon at the bottom of my screen and look for his call. There's two other people on it. I press join and immediately hear screaming. "Why the hell did you destroy my secret bunker?!" Alex yells. "It was a dirt block." Someone with a British accent says. "sorry for him. He was dropped on his head as a child." I cut in. The call goes silent. "Oh, yeah. This is my sister, Andrea." Alex says. "You have a sister?" They both ask at the same time. "No, he lied about it and got a random person off the street a new PC just for the fun of it." I say sarcastically. "I wouldn't put it past him, he's an idiot." A man with an American accent says jokingly. "okay, pull up. No one disrespects my brother but me." I joke. "I think she was the one that dropped me. Like she just sent me a death threat because I called her a bitch." Alex says. The call goes silent again. "Dark humor." I say. They still stay silent. "Okay bitches what's goin on because this is like talking to a brick wall." I say. Someone laughs. "George shut up. She's not funny." Alex says. "Unlike your dating life." I say. Someone starts laughing so hard that it turns into a wheeze. One that sound like a tea kettle. "did someone forget to turn their tea kettle off?" I ask. That makes everyone else burst into laughter. "Alex, I love her." Someone that I haven't heard says. "well too bad because she's a homosexual." Alex says. "I'm pan. Before you ask, no I'm not sexually attracted to pans." I say. "Can you marry me?" A girl with what sounds like a Scottish accent asks. "Yes, I can." I say. "Wilbur, come get ya girl." Alex says. "Niki, what are you doing? Are you cheating on me?" He asks jokingly. "I'm just so much better." I say. "Who are you?" He asks. "The girl that stole your bitch." I respond. "Andrea càllate la Boca." Alex says. [Andrea shut the fuck up] "hazme, perra." I respond. [Make me, bitch.] "What are you saying?" George asks. Alex wheezes and I giggle because of how uncultured these people are.

Alex introduced me to everyone and they all seem to like me. Except clay. He seems to either not talk at all or make fun of me. Of course I always have a comeback but I don't get his problem.

I check the time and see that I've been on call with everyone for three hours. My eyes widen and I realize that I have errands to run. "I'm gonna clock out. I got errands to run." I say. After a chorus of goodbye's I leave the call and slip on some comfortable, yet nice clothes.

I grab my keys and make sure to lock my door before getting into my car and starting my journey

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I grab my keys and make sure to lock my door before getting into my car and starting my journey. When I get to the grocery store I walk towards the sliding doors and grab a cart. I walk down a few isle's and get my things before seeing the cereal I want on the too shelve. This is going to be fun. I reach up for it but it's too high. Then I see a hand grab it and I turn around. A guy with dirty blond hair hands me the box. "Thank you." I say. "No problem." He responds before walking away. He was hot.

When I get home I out groceries away before taking out my phone and making a TikTok.
"So I was just at the store and I couldn't reach the cereal that I wanted so this guy helped me grab it. When I tell you, this man was fine." I say. "He was scrumptious." I add on. "Like he was hot." I say before ending the video. I laugh and post it.

I go to Instagram and post a few pics from a few days ago before getting a discord notification from clay. Why is he texting me? I open it and my jaw drops at the message.

Alex made me whitelist you so ig you can get on the smp in about an hour.

And I don't get a say in this?

If you don't want to, you don't have to. It's be easier anyway.

Just because you said that, sure. I'll be on.

I hate you.

That's a strong opinion, dré.

I laugh before clicking on the discord call he was in.
"Hey, bitch."


Words: 1000

I hate my life. Why am I wasting my life writing fanfictions about dwt/dsmp? Because I'm superior. No I'm not. Bye!

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