Twins? ♥

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I had just to moved to L.A. two months pregnant with Niall’s child. I told my parents that i wanted to keep it and they told me that would be fine. I stopped in to the doctors to see how my child was coming along…

“Hello Katrina” Doctor Smith said

“Hello, can i see the gender of my baby today?” I asked

“Sure, here im going to put this gel on your stomach and its going to be cold, alright?” he said

“Ok” I said as he put the cold gel on. I quickly relaxed as he moved the wand over my stomach showing different angle of what didn’t look like one baby.

“Katrina, it seems that your having twins” he said and I nodded. I was quite frightened by the idea. One was going to be tough to raise but two was going to be a handful

“What are the genders?” I asked

“Um, there both girls” he said and i smiled. Me and Niall’s twins were probably going to be the cutest twins ever. I frowned remembering they would probably never know there father.

“Thanks” i said as I left home to fix the nursery with my best and only friend Addie. She was so nice about what happened. Most people here didn’t even give me a chance but I have Addie, my only friend here who gave me a chance. She also lives with me because her parents kicked her out. I got home and she was sitting on my couch.

“Whats the gender of the baby?” She asked giving me a hug

“I am having twins” I said

“Amazing! What gender?” She asked

“Both girls” I said smiling and she jumped up and down clapping.

“Lets go get stuff for the nursery!” She said to me as we got changed into this…

You could see my baby bump in this shirt. We walked out and went shopping for a bit and got stuff to paint and decorate the babies bedroom. When we got home, we painted and decorated the room like this…

“Nice job!” I said to Addie

“You too!”

“Can I ask you a question?” Addie asked

“Sure, what?” I asked

“Can I help raise the baby girls?” She asked with the nicest smile.

“Totally!” I said and we jumped up and down and watched t.v until we crashed

5 months later

Me and Addie we having a girls night and watching movies. My bump had gotten huge and i still had 2 months let to go. The babies room was decorated and we had had the baby shower a month ago and got lots of stuff to help with the baby. I sat down on the couch and we watched titanic. The movie was about to end and i felt a sharp pain.

“Addie?” I asked

“Yes?” she said in a sleepy voice

“I think im going into labor” i said feeling another sharp pain

“Ok don’t panic, give me a second” She said running into our shared room and then into the babies room coming out with the car seats for the babies and our outfits for after the hospital. She grabbed the keys and we left. I started breathing harder as we got into the hospital and I was rushed into the room.

6 hours later

I finally get to leave with Emily and Laura (that was there names). Addie carried Emily as i carried Laura to the car. We got home and Addie told me i could get some rest while she took care of them. I then crashed on the couch.

Twins ♥ Niall Horan Love StoryWhere stories live. Discover now